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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 17:04:04
listen 92
asking trouble
first listen and then anwer the question
why did the policeman ask the writer come to the police station
it must be the 2 in the morning when i return the hotel
i tried to wake up my wife by ringing the doorbell but she was fell to sleep
so i got a lader from the shade in the garden put it against the wall
and began to climing to wall's bedroom window
i was almost died when a sort of caustic voice below said
i don't think the window need cleaning at this time of the night
i look along
i nearly fell off the lader when i saw a policeman
i immediately regreted ((())) the way i did
but i said
i enjoying cleaning the window at night
so the why answered the policeman in the same tone
excuse my interupuing you
i hate dring ((marrie))? when they busy working
but would you mind coming with me to the station
well,i prefer to stay here. i said
you see i forgot my key
your what? he calle
my key i shoted
fortunately, the shoting woke up my wife to open the window
just the policeman started to clime toward me
terrorist attacks on september 11th
wherever you were in lower Manhattan
Before the September 11th 2001
two building dominated the landscape
credit said the word trade central tower
didn't relate to the surroundings
and won't special pleasing in design
but the fact is
there they were big
undeniably in frightenly so
and walk cross the plaza in summer month
could make your ahead real
on 2-26-1993 the world trade center complex was rocked by the explosive device
lefted one of the underground parking lodges
6 people were killed
and over a thousand injured
on the morning of September 11th
the usa awoke to find itself
under a attacked several terrorists' attacks were in an hour
break haveak in newyork city and washington d.c.
causing widespread devastation
and more than five thousand casualty
on september 11th
it was the deadliest day in American history
causing more lifes
then the attack on pro Harbor or D-day(?)
seperate high-jet commercial airliner
heat both of world trade center tower in Manhattan
setting them on fire
and leaving ebbing(貌似不是这个词) hole in each
both of them warily collapse((中间的没听懂))
to the straight below
think it over
today we have higher building and wider highway
but shorter temperaments
and narrower points of view
we spend more
but enjoy less
we have bigger houses
but smaller families
we have more compromises but less times
we have more knowledge
but less judgments
we have more medicines but less health
we have multiply our procession
but we reduce our volumes we talk much
we love only a little
and we hate too much. we reach the moon and came back but we found the troublesome
to cross our own street
and meet our neighbours we have cocker the outer space
but not our inner space
we have higher income
but less moral
this our times——with more liberty but less joy
we have much more food but less nutrition
this our the days and which takes two salary for each home but divorces increase this our times to find our houses
but more brocken homes
that's way propose
that the ads of today
you do not keep anything for special vocation
because every day you live is a special vocation search for knowledge
read more
sit on your fine porch
and admire of you without paying attention to your neats
spend more time with your family and friends eat your favourite foods
visit the places you love
life is a changing movement and joyment
not only about survival . use your crystal garbbles(一种奢侈品) do not save your best perfume and use it every time you feel it you want it remove the best vocabulary praises one of these days or some days
let's write that letter
we thought of writing
one of these days
let's tell our family and friends how much we love them. do not delay anything
that's laughter and joy to your life——every day
every hour and every minute is special
and you don't know
if it will be your last