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英语翻译I'm Mike,About three years ago,I felt very lonely.I didn

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/09 01:40:46
I'm Mike,About three years ago,I felt very lonely.I didn't like my classmate,my parents or anyone else.My classmate didn't want to talk with me and my parents said that I wasn't as good as other kids.I thought I was the most unlucky person in the world.
One day I had a fight with one of my classmate,Jack.I was so angry that I hit him in the face.Just at that moment,a boy stood up and stopped the fight.he was our nonitor.Tom.
After that,Tom often helped me and we became good friends.when I got angry or sad,he would help me cool down.My life began to change because of this y,my best friend.We spent a lot of exciting days together.As time went boy,I became happier with people and things.And my parents didn't shout at me any more.My classmates became friendly to me.
But now I can't see my best friend because he is seriously ill and is staying in hospital.How I miss
him!I hope he will be all right and come back to school soon.
我叫迈克.三年前,我还是一个不喜欢和我同学,父母以及所有人交流的人.他们也不喜欢和我说话,就连父母也说我.我感到很苦恼,认为是世界上最最不幸的人.直到有一天,我和我们班的一个叫杰克的同学打架.我当时太气愤了,就重重地一拳击在他的脸上.这时,我们的班长汤姆快跑上来,阻止了那场架.后来,我和汤姆渐渐地走到了一起.他总是在我心情最低落的时候安慰我,鼓励我,我 感到很幸福.而我的生活也渐渐地因他而改观.我们一起度过了我人生中最美好的时刻.随着时间的推移,父母和同学发现我变成了另外一个人.他们不再朝我大喊大叫,也不再对我避而远之.我感觉我是这个世界上最幸福的人.可是,现在我的好朋友汤姆住院了,我真的好希望我我们还能像以前那样开开心心的.我现在真的好想他.好希望他能快点好起来,快点回到我的身边,回到我们熟悉的乐园.