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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 00:16:58
The library rules (a) in the library information 1. The certificate in the library. Readers in the library must use IC card entrance guard bar code reader for identities, one card one person, to enter in turn. In all entrances and exits in case of monitor and alarm, the reader should cooperate inspected by staff, should not have not the words and deeds of civilization. In violation of regulations according to price compensation from forced entry and damage the door lock. 2. The readers in the library should pay attention to appearance, speaking civilization, hygiene, consciously abide by the regulations of the library, to keep the library clean and quiet. 3. The library is the key unit of fire prevention, no smoking, it is prohibited to carry inflammable, explosive. 4. Care for the collection of books and materials and public facilities. 5. In turn, be seated and may not be preempted seat. Such as seat only put items and unattended for more than 20 minutes, other readers can use the seat. Placeholder objects in the libraries of irresponsible for safekeeping. 6. Bags and personal belongings stored in storage bag can bring their own small lock enclosure. Personal documents, money, mobile phone and other valuables, please do not deposit, if lost, responsibility conceited. 7. Observe the rules and regulations of the library, obey the management of the staff. (2) the library rules 1. The certificate is dealt with and preservation Reader id card management center to deal with by the school campus, I use only and may not be lent or falsely use another producer, once found the condition, after verification, the library has the right to give punishment borrow, cancel the right to borrow books. Readers shall comply with the regulations of the library, the school shall settle all borrowed books and materials, when go through the formalities from the pavilion. Id card should be properly kept, if lost or damaged, should be timely to the campus card management center to handle report the loss or damage, so as not to cause economic losses. If no report the loss due to certificate loss, or before the report the loss to be take to borrow books, or lent to use caused by the losses shall be borne by himself. 图书馆规章制度 (一)入馆须知 1.凭证入馆。读者入馆须用一卡通在门禁条码识别器上进行身份识别,一卡一人,依次进入。在各出入口如遇监测器报警,读者应配合接受工作人员的检查,不应有不文明的言行。违反规定强行进入并损坏门闸者照价赔偿。 2.读者入馆应注意仪容,讲文明、讲卫生,自觉遵守图书馆的各项规章制度,保持图书馆的整洁和安静。 3.图书馆是防火重点单位,严禁吸烟,禁止携带易燃、易爆物品。 4.爱护馆藏图书资料和公共设施。 5.依次就座,不得预占座位。如座位只放物品而无人看管超过20分钟,其他读者可使用该座位。图书馆对占位物品 再答: (二)借阅规则 1.证件办理和保管     读者一卡通由学校校园卡管理中心统一办理,只限本人使用,不得转借、冒用,一经发现上述情况,经核实后,图书馆有权给予停借、取消借书权等处罚。读者应遵守图书馆各项规章制度,离校时须清还所借图书资料,办理离馆手续。 一卡通应妥善保管,一旦丢失或被损坏,应及时到校园卡管理中心办理挂失或报损,以免造成经济损失。如因证件遗失而未挂失,或在挂失前发生被冒借书刊的情况,或转借他人使用所造成的损失由本人承担。
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