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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:47:46
One afternoon, in Paris, I took a trip to an art museum while waiting for my husband to finish a business meeting. I was looking forward to a quiet view (看) of some great paintings of excellent artists. A young couple looking at the paintings in front of me were talking non-stop. I watched them a moment and decided she was doing all the talking. In fact, I was surprised at this man for putting up with her everlasting speech. Bored by their noise, I moved on. I met them several times as I moved through those rooms of art. Each time I heard her voice, I moved away at once. I was standing at the museum gift shop buying some cards when the couple walked to the exit (出口). “He’s a brave man,” said the shop assistant. “Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. But he and his wife come in whenever there’s a new art show.” It explained the non-stop talk! A sudden sense of shame came to my heart for what I was thinking just now. “But what does he get out of the art?” I asked. “His wife describes each painting so he can see it in his head.” At that moment I realized what is patience, courage and love. I saw the patience of a young wife describing paintings to a person who can’t see and courage of a husband who would not allow blindness change his love towards art. And I felt the love shared by the two as I watched them walking away holding each other’s hands.
解题思路: 如下
一个下午,在巴黎,我在等我丈夫参加一个商业会议结束前,去了一趟艺术博物馆。我想好好看看一些艺术大家的伟大的画作。我前面看画的一对年轻夫妇一直喋喋不休, 我看了他们一阵,显然她是那个一直说开没玩的人。 事实上,我对这个男人能一直忍受他的不停的说话感到很惊讶。他们的噪音太无聊了,我继续往前走。我在穿梭于这些艺术室期间,碰到他们好几次,每次都听到她2的声音,我立即就走开了。当这对夫妇走出出口的时候,我正在博物馆的纪念品商店买了一些贺卡。商店店员说,他是个勇敢的男人,我们大部分人如果再那么年轻的时候就失明了,将会放弃。 但是他们夫妇俩每当有新艺术展的时候都会来这里。这解释了他们不停地说话,因为刚才的思绪,一丝突然的羞愧感掠过我的心头。“但是他从这些艺术品能得到什么呢?”我问道“他的妻子形容每幅画作,他就能在他的脑海里看到。”在那一刻,我认识到了什么事耐心,勇气和爱。我看到一个耐心的年轻妻子给一个看不见的人描述画作,和一个失明无法改变他对艺术的爱的勇敢的丈夫。还有我看见他们彼此握紧双手离开感受到的他们对彼此的爱。