作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

1.We were told that ____would come to his birthday party

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 11:16:06
1.We were told that ____would come to his birthday party
A many friends of Smith’s
B many Smith friends
C many Smith’s friend
D many friends of Smith
2.There jeans are too small ;please bring me a bigger .
A one
B pair
C jeans
D ones
4.What is the food in England?I think it is .
A popularest ;beef and fish
B popularer ; fish and chips
C most popular ; fish and chips
D most popular ; Chinese take-away food
为什么不能选D Chinese take-away food
5.The teacher is making of the students
A a paper
B a piece of paper
C the papers
D some pieces of paper
Rice dumplings
第五题 making 后有一个空格
1.A B答案,代词后不能家名词;C答案,先不说语法,一处明显错误,friend需变复数;D答案,因为friends是名词,指史密斯的朋友们,所以用物主代词.
2.B 尽管与其他回答有些出入,我想裤子是成双的,而不是ones,感觉像是两个裤腿间毫无牵连.而A答案也是因为裤腿有两个而错误.(不太确定,回去问问老师,真错了的话大家不要怪哈.)
4.D 不管怎样,我都认为是D.一,the后面应加形容词最高级(当两个事物进行比较时可以用the+形容词比较级,例如I'm the taller of I and my brother.),而popular是多音节单词(即多于两个音节),这样的形容词的最高级应为most+形容词原型,故A.B.排除.而fish和chips虽然但看都是不可数名词,但两个放在一起时是指两个种类,故谓语应为复数,所以选D.
5.第五题……恕冒犯,题没抄错吗?……我认为应该是The teacher is making______for the students吧?(当然,也可能是我才疏学浅)如果按我的理解,那么答案应该选A.此时paper作“卷子”的意思,(老师一般都很坏,只会出卷)而卷子是可数的,(指的应该是一套卷子吧),故选A,而D有点翻译不同……B同理.所以我认为选A.
Rice dumplings的意思是饺子的意思,又作(jiaozi),没记错的话,在初二教材理应有提及.