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英语翻译It appears that birds are living longer and travelling f

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/10 01:29:44
It appears that birds are living longer and travelling further than scientists had previously thought .An international study has corrected the life expeetancy of several species,after birds---some wearing tags fitted more than 30 years ago ---were discovered living well beyong previously recorded ages.
British experts studied the habits of a varieed of species,all of which have been fitted with ring tags to help trace their movements.As a result ,years have ben added to the assumed life expectancy of several species ang a much greater understanding has beenany reached as to how far mbirds rravel.
One barnacle goose was found to still be wearing a ring fited to leg 27 years earlier ,making it at least two and a half years older than the previous highest age recorded for that species.Taking into account annual spring and autumn mingrations,scientists calcuiate that the bird has covered at least 240ooo km during itslife.
In 2004 volunteers caught and ringed more than in any other year since tagging started in Britain in 1909 .Volunteers put rings on 881 920 adullts and nestlings in2oo4 ,beating the previous record of 859252,which was set in 1995,In addition to recording the longevity of birds such as a 36-year-old oystercatcher ,ringed in Norfolk in 1968,and a razorbill ,ringed in 1962 at Gwynedd,scientists also investigated which bird species traveled the furthest.
Among the most traveled birds was a storm petrel which traveled 9489 km in winter mingations after being ringed on July 19,1982 and caught at sea off Namibia’scoast on February 24,2004.
“Producing the Ringing Report is aiways exciting –but to brea so many reeords is one year is tremendous ,”said Jacquie Clark,who heads the BTO Ringing Scheme.“Unlike humans,birds don’t spend a long time going through middle and oid abe.After maturing ,they remain in good shape for most of the rest of their lives .”
Ms Clark said that the ringing of birds was providing a wealth of new informatinn on how bird migration patterns are changing even though,on average,less than one out of every 50 birds ringed is afterwards reported to the BTO.
1909年,标记实验兴起于英国,2004年,志愿者们抓住和标记的鸟类数量多于以往,成鸟和幼鸟的数量共计 881 920,打破了先前1995年 859252的记录.,除了记录鸟类的寿命,例如36于1968年在诺福克标记了一只,36岁的蛎鹬,于1962年在格温内思郡标记了一只海雀,科学家们还研究了那种鸟类飞得最远
" 制作标记报告是另人兴奋的,但是在一年里打破很多记录也是常有的”,标记研究项目负责人说”与人类不同,鸟类无须度过漫长的中年和老年,成年以后的日子里,它们会一直保持精力充沛的状态”