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英语翻译One of the main passions in my life is my family.Accordi

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 15:28:53
One of the main passions in my life is my family.According to the Oxford American College Dictionary,a family is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a houshold.My definition of family are people that i share a close bond with and that will always be there for me no matter what.Since i am an only child,my parents have always taken special care of me and looked out for me.My parents provide me with food,shelter,education,clothes,and daily necessities.
My mother will always take time off from a busy schedule to care for me when i am ill.For Example,when i was younger,i used to have bloody noses a lot while i was sleeping.I would always wake her up in the middle of the night to help me and she will get up without complaining and care for me.Also,my parents have always taught me to be honest,responsible,and independant.They have always told me to be respectiful and be responsible for whatever i say and do.
One of the most important things that my mother has taught me is to be responsible and independent because it will help me when i live on my own.My dad has always taught me to be kind to others and never put them down or make fun of them.He tells me that it is important to be nice to others because one day they may repay that kindness back to you when you least expect it.I share a close bond with my family that i don't have with any other people.I think that if friends aren't always there for you,family is.My family may argue with each other sometimes and they can also get on my nerves,but i know that we will always make up and forgive each other because they will always be my family no matter what and i can't divorce them.
My parents have sacrificed a lot for me,they save up money not only for themselves but for me also.they are willing to spend time helping me with any projects or homework that i may have.They set a good example for me and teach me to always chose the right thing to do and not make any bad choices.My family will always give me advice and help me with any problems that i may have at school.They always try to spend as much time as we can each other.
My family are among the few people in this world that will genuinely care and worry about me.They will always be there for me and accept me with all of my weaknesses and mistakes.I know that my family will always be there for me for better or for worse,richer of for pooer,and in sickness and health.I know that i can always be able to trust my life with them because they will never abandon me.Family will always be my number one prioty and i will always put them first.
家人是这个世界上这真正关心和爱护我的人.在我迷失和无助的时候,他们会永远在我身边.我很清楚,无论优越还是落魄,贫穷还是富有,疾病缠身还是健康,他们都会一直在我身边.我也会对与他们在一起的人生充满信心,因为他们对我不离不弃.家人永远占据我心底最重要的位置,我会一直将他们放在首位.(“prioty”这个词不太明白,达芬奇密码里,“prioty of zion”是峋山隐修会的意思,所以猜这个词是隐休会的意思,那 “number one prioty” 也许是心底最重要的意思~仅供参考嘿嘿)