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这个英语句子对吗The only one who did not like the idea was Montmoren

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/13 19:45:03
The only one who did not like the idea was Montmorency 为什么不能写成这个The only one was Montmorency who did not like the idea
这句的主语是the only one,后面的句子是形容前面主语的.
再问: �����������ӵ����ĸ���
再答: The only one who did not like the idea was Montmorency ������Ӷԣ��մ���ˣ��Ƕ���Ӿ䣬����ǰ������дʵġ�
再问: ���Ҳ�֪��Ϊʲô�����was Montmorency�ܱ�Ť һ�㶼��������The only one who did not like the idea
再答: The only one who did not like the idea was Montmorency ����ϲ�����������ʶ�Ǹ����� Montmorency�� The only one was Montmorency ���Ǹ����� Montmorency�� The only one who did not like the idea����ϲ�����������ˡ� �����㿴����ʲô��