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在短文的空格内填入适 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,填其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给.   &

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 10:20:40
     A survey has been published which shows that British people don't like their neighbours very much.80%
of the people who took part in the survey feel that their neighbours 1.h_______  pay attention to others'
feelings.25% don't talk to the people who live next door and 10% don't even know their names.In fact,one
million people in Britain would like to 2.m_______ because they don't get along well with their neighbours.
     According to the survey,the 3.b_______ problem is noise.Many of the complaints about noise came
from people who live in flats and old houses.These places often have thin walks which can't 4.s_______
the noise from next door.
      The other main problems are disagreements (不和) about car parking spaces,and old people complaining
about the young.Some disagreements last 5.a _______ time.In one case,people who live in the same building
haven't talked to each other for fifteen years.Sometimes the disagreements end in violence.In one of the worst
cases,a mam killed a neighbour because he kept parking in  "his space". 
     Another survey shows that 90% of the neighbours never share a meal,80% have never had a drink
6.t_______ and 20% have never even spoken.However,when neighbours become each other's 7.f_______,
they are often ready to offer help,as we can see in many parts of the world.
     One solution to such problems is to talk about them with a professional organization and,if necessary,to
sign a written agreement.Now people can get this service in more and more towns.
1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________
1.hardly   2.move   3.biggest   4.stop   5.long   6.together   7.friends