作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

求语法大大A:How are we going to pay all these bills?B:Cheer up!We

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 04:17:45
A:How are we going to pay all these bills?
B:Cheer up!We _______ the lottery tomorrow night!You never know.
A:must win
B:may win
C:will win
D:should win
A:Hi,I'm your waitress.Are you ready to order?
B:Yes.I'll have an apple pancake,with applesauce on the side,and a glass of apple juice.
A:Boy,you _______ apples!
A:may really love
B:could really love
C:might really love
D:must really love
A:I wonder what's wrong?I waved to Lucy over there,but she didn't wave back.
B:I'm sure nothing is wrong.She _______ you.
A:wouldn't see
B:must not have seen
C:shouldn't have seen
D:maybe didn't see
A:I'm thinking of coloring my hair green.
B:Oh come on!You _______ serious!
A:can't be
B:mustn't be
C:might not be
D:shouldn't be
A:Where's Bill?Didn't you leave him a message to meet us?
B:I did,but he _______ to his messages.Or he may have heard the message but was too busy to come.
A:must have listened
B:shouldn't have listened
C:must not have listened
D:may have listened
1.B.may表示可能 2.D.MUST表示一定3.B.MUST一定没有看见你4.A 你一定是开玩笑吧(固定用法)5.C 一定没听见
主要要读懂题干意思就好选了,全是表 推测的词