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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 10:51:10
检讨书尊敬的领导、同事们:大家好,我怀着十万分愧疚和遗憾的心情要向大家宣读这份骂脏话的检讨书,关于我在上班时间骂脏话,造成了极为不好的影响。 首先,我要对我的错误做深刻的反省。我深刻地意识到无论顾客是对是错,骂脏话这样过激的行为,在这之间产生的负面影响总是严重的,骂脏话还是我的不对。  我此次此刻感受无比的内疚,我愧对于集团,愧于这些同事。因为的文采不好,对于我此时的心境,我无法用极为绚丽的词藻全然抒发,但我的一颗悔过之心昭然若揭。希望大家能够原谅我,我对我的错误已经有了很深的体会和反省,这过去的两天中,我的内心是纠结的。我曾经想过提交一份辞职报告,就这样一走了之。但后来我清醒了,这样的一走了之是多么的不负责任,是一种懦夫的行为。  我不是懦夫,更不会承认我是懦夫,因此我要积极地做好表现,通过努力来弥补我此次的错误。也希望广大的同事监督我,通过此次检讨,我会深刻的接受教训,努力开创更美好的未来。此致:   唐晓旭!  检讨人:许梦薇
Review the book Respect leadership, colleagues: Hello, I am one hundred thousand guilt and regret to read the swearing of self-criticism, I go to work in time to swearing, caused extremely bad influence.First of all, I want to my mistakes do deep introspection.I am deeply aware of the whether the customer is right or wrong, swearing such behavior, the negative effects of always serious, swearing or wrong of me.At this moment I feel very guilty, I'm ashamed of my group, ashamed to these colleagues.Because of the literary talent is not good, for my state of mind now, I couldn't use extremely flowery rhetoric completely express, but I have a heart of repentance be completely bared there and then.I hope you can forgive me for my mistakes, I have the very deep experience and reflection, the past two days, my heart is entangled with.I had to submit a report, just get away with this.But then I awake, so walk away how irresponsible, is a coward.I am not a coward, but will not admit that I was a coward, therefore I will actively good performance, through our efforts to make up for the mistakes.Also hope that the majority of colleagues supervises me, through this review, I will deeply to accept the lesson, strive to create a better future.May: Tang Xiaoxu!Review: Xu Mengwei