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给我的车加一点油 英语怎么说

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/04 01:08:37
给我的车加一点油 英语怎么说
1 给我的车加一点油 / 给我的车加30升汽油
2 给我的加满油
3 我喜欢开越野车,不喜欢轿车.
4 我比较喜欢开跑车,喜欢驾驶的乐趣
5 你明知道他不会抽烟,还非要让他抽,这样很不好
6 只有我知道她在哪里 / 只有我能明白她在想什么
7 虽然她去了上海,但她不会去找你的,我了解她.
8 我把 摩托车 / 汽车,停在了路灯的旁边
1My car to put a bit of oil / give me a car with 30 liters of gasoline
2Give me Jiaman oil
3 I love driving SUV,don't like cars.
4 I like sports cars,like driving pleasure
5 you know that he does not smoke,also must let him smoke,this is not good
6 but I know where she is only I can understand what she was thinking.
Only I have the key of the room
7 while she went to Shanghai,but she will not look for you,I know her.
8 I put the motorcycle / car,parked in the street.