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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 23:29:33
In Chapter 6,judicial review was defined as the power of a court to review the actions of other governmental bodies in order to determine whether or not those actions are consistent with the Constitution.The actions of administrative agencies are,of course,included among those subject to judicial review.However,judicial review of administrative agencies poses problems for courts that may not be present in other areas of the law.First,administrative agencies are highly specialized bodies with highly specialized personnel.Members of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC),for example,are experts in a highly technical field.It would be presumptuous of a judge to try to second guess the NRC’s decisions about nuclear power.Similarly,most judges are not in a position to question the expert judgment of the FAA or the FCC.Second,as noted in the introduction to this chapter,some government agencies process hundreds of thousands of applications for all kinds of government benefits and programs.Excessive judicial meddling into the operations of an agency may paralyze it and undermine its efficiency.In Goldberg v.Kelly,for example,the Supreme Court ruled that Kelly must receive an evidentiary hearing prior to the termination of his benefits instead of after termination,as had previously been the welfare agency’s practice.Although at first glance it might not seem to make any difference whether the hearing preceded or followed the termination of benefits,consider the possible consequences.If someone is receiving benefits to which he is entitled,the benefits must continue to be paid until after a hearing is held.If every ineligible recipient chooses to exercise the right to a hearing,it might tax the ability of the welfare agency to conduct timely hearings,resulting in long delays.Meanwhile,recipients who may eventually prove to be ineligible for benefits continue to receive,at the taxpayers’ expense,benefits to which they are not entitled.Consequently,the number of termination hearings increases for agency employees,and the government continues to pay benefits to ineligible recipients.