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英语翻译1 我会像对待他那样的,对待你.2 你不要像对待他那样,来对待我,我和他根本不同.3 你怎么对待别人,别人也怎样

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 10:25:06
1 我会像对待他那样的,对待你.
2 你不要像对待他那样,来对待我,我和他根本不同.
3 你怎么对待别人,别人也怎样来对对待你.
4 他对待那个女孩 非常好 / 非常差
5 离下班时间还早呢,等会我再整理东西
6 马上就要下班了.我先把我的东西收拾下.
1.I would treat you in the way I treat him.
2.Don't treat me as him,we are totally different.
3.People would treat you in the way you treat them.
4.He treats the girl like she is the apple in his eye/ He treats the girl awfully
5.There is a lot of time before we get off.I would sort out my belongings later.
6.It's about to get off.I would sort out my things.