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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/18 12:26:15
Meet your meat(dictated from PETA video by Daniel&Kevin )
  What you are about to see is beyond your worst nightmares. But for animals raised on modern intensive production farms and killed in slaughterhouses, it is cold, inescapable reality. Once you see for yourself the routine cruelty involved in raising animals for food, you'll understand why millions of compassionate people have decided to leave meat off their plates...for good.
  Caption: Chickens and Turkeys
  Chickens are probably the most abused animals on the face of the planet. They are crammed into filthy sheds by the tens of thousands, immersed in their own excrement among the corpses of other birds,who died of heart attack or stress. Some even die of starvation brought on by becoming crippled from growing so large, so fast, that their legs cannot withstand the weight, which makes them unable to reach food.After being genetically manipulated, and fed antibiotics to promote unnatural rapid growth, their hearts, lungs and legs often break down under the added weight. Heart attacks and crippling leg deformities are far too common.
  .A PETA investigation found this farmer killing sick and injured turkeys by beating them with a metal rod then tossing them aside, leaving them still conscious and suffering. This was deemed legal and standard by the industry. These turkeys were left languishing for six hours,before being loaded back onto another truck to be taken, injured, to the slaughterhouse, another four hours from the scene of this accident. This undercover video shows the standard method of gathering chickens for slaughter. After enduring weeks of filthy crowded conditions, the animals are loaded onto trucks and taken through extreme weather conditions without food or water to slaughterhouses, where they are snapped into shackles by their fragile legs, and have their throats slit, often while still conscious. Many are scalded alive in the feather-removal tanks.
  Caption: Egg-laying Hens
  If you thought it couldn’t be any worse, think again. Between five and eleven hens are crammed into tiny wire cages during egg production. The animals might go insane from the oppressive conditions and attack one and another, so their beaks which are full of nerve-endings are painfully sheared off with a hot blade. These hens are so crowded; they are unable to spread even one wing during their entire miserable lives. They are unable to do anything natural, such as dust-bathing or foraging through the grass. It takes an average of thirty-four hours in these conditions to produce just one egg. When egg production drops, producers often shock the bodies of the worn out birds into another laying cycle by withholding food for up to fourteen days. Many die of starvation.. Because their bones are so weak, their bodies so worn down, up to ninety percent of hens have broken bones or are hemorrhaging by the time they make it to slaughter.
  Caption: Dairy Cows and Veal Calves
  Cattle are castrated, have their horns chopped off, and are repeatedly branded ... all without painkillers. At auctions,electric prods are used to torment the frightened animals into going where the workers want them to go. The USDA allows meat from animals with cancerous lesions and puss-filled wounds to be certified as USDA pure, so injuries and illnesses often go untreated. After enduring close to a year crammed into feed-lots, cattle are loaded onto transport trucks and shipped through all weather extremes. At slaughter, their throats are slit open, and many are skinned and dismembered while still fully conscious.
  Dairy cows have it even worse. Even though they give milk for the same reason that humans do, for their babies, on today’s dairy farms, mother cows are treated as nothing more than milk machines. Forty percent of dairy cows are lame by the time they reach the slaughterhouse. They are hooked up to machines a few times per day, machines that often injure them. At the end of their lives they either go straight to slaughter or are sold for slaughter at a cattle auctions. More than one hundred thousands cows are unable to walk off the transport trucks every year. Yet, they are slaughtered for human food anyway. At a fraction of their natural life span, they’re shipped to slaughter. Most hamburger in this country comes from spent dairy cows.
  Cows give milk for their offspring, not for human beings. These mother cows are impregnated annually to keep the milk flowing. And their babies are torn from them shortly after birth, which cause both of them profound distress. Many of the males are sold to veal farmers, who cram them into tiny crates where they cannot turn around or even comfortably lie down. If you are consuming milk, you are supporting the veal industry. Veal calves who can barely walk because their muscles have atrophied from lack of use and an anemia-inducing diet are also often sold at auctions.
  Caption: Pigs
  Confined to tiny stalls, that don’t even allow mother pigs to turn around for most of their pregnancy, the first time that these animals will breathe fresh air is when they are on the back of a truck, headed for the slaughterhouse. Many will go insane from the complete lack of stimulation.
  Shortly after birth, baby pigs have their ears mutilated, the ends of their teeth chopped off, their tails cut off and they are also castrated -- all without any painkillers.
  Pigs, who aren’t growing quickly enough called ‘fall behinds’, are killed by being slammed head first against the concrete floor as you see here. Like chickens, pigs grow so quickly that they can't walk normally. Their limbs simply can’t sustain their drug-induced bulk. Many pigs become ill or injured but are not put out of their misery because, as long as they are still alive,they have a chance of generating profits for the company if they can make it to slaughter. Those who obviously can’t make it to the slaughterhouse are shot by a captive bolt gun so they don’t waste the company’s money by eating feed.
  Moving pigs by beating them with gate rods is one of the more common forms of abuse. Pigs are often packed so tightly together on unventilated trucks that their limbs snap under the weight of other terrified animals. And they sometimes freeze to the sides of the truck or die of dehydration. In fact, four hundred thousand pigs who are unable to walk off the truck arrive at slaughterhouses each year. One hundred thousand arrive dead. These are industry figures. Some speculate that the real numbers are much higher.
  After being electrically prodded and then forced onto the killing floor, improper stunning causes pigs to endure having their throats slit while thy are still awake. Some are burned alive in the scalding tank that is used for hair removal.
  Please think about what you have seen. Every time we sit down to eat, we make a choice. Please choose vegetarianism. Do it for the animals, do it for the environment, and do it for your health. To find out more, check out PETA’s vegetarian website Goveg.com or call for a free vegetarian starter kit at 1-888-VEG-FOOD . And share this with a friend. Thank you.