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英语翻译I’m afraid to grow old---we’re all afraid.In fact,the fe

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 05:43:39
I’m afraid to grow old---we’re all afraid.In fact,the fear of growing old is so great that every aged person is an insult and threat to the society.They remind us of our own death,that our body won’t always remain smooth and responsive,but will someday betray us by aging.The ideal way to age would be to grow slowly invisible,gradually disappearing,without causing worry or discomfort to the young.In some ways that does happen.Sitting in a small park across from a nursing home one day,I noticed that the young mothers and their children gathered on one side,and the old people from the home on the other.Whenever a youngster would run over to the “wrong” side,chasing a ball or just trying to cover all the available space,the old people would lean forward and smile.
But before any communication could be established,the mother would come over,murmuring embarrassed apologies,and take her children back to the “young” side.Now it seemed that the children didn’t feel any particular fear and the old people didn’t seem to be threatened by the children.
The division of the space was drawn by the mothers.And the mothers never looked at the old people who lined the other side of the park.These well-dressed young women had a way of sliding their eyes over,around,through the old people; they never looked at them directly.The old people may as well have been invisible; they offered the aesthetic (审美的) eye of the mother.
My early experiences were somewhat different; since I grow up in a small town,my childhood had more of a nineteenth-century flavor.I knew a lot of old people,and considered
some of them friends.
There was no culturally defined way for me to “relate to” old people except the rules of courtesy(礼貌) which applied to all adults.My grandparents were an integral(组成的) and important part of the family and of the community.I sometimes have a dreadful fear that mine will be the last generation to know old people as friends,to have a sense of what growing old means,to respect and understand man’s mortality and his courage in the face of death.
我怕到老--- we're所有害怕.事实上,由于担心日益岁是如此之大,每个年龄的人是一种侮辱和威胁社会.他们提醒我们,我们自己的死亡,我们的身体不会永远顺利和响应,但有一天背叛我们的老龄化.理想的办法年龄将是无形的生长缓慢,逐渐消失,而不会引起忧虑或不适的年轻人.在某些方面,它发生.坐在小公园对面的一家养老院一天,我发现年轻的母亲和她们的孩子聚集在一边,和老人们从家里的问题.每当一个孩子将运行到“错误”的一方,追逐一个球或者只是试图掩盖所有可用空间,老人们会前倾和微笑.
没有文化的定义的方式对我来说,“涉及到”老人们除了礼节性的规则(礼貌) ,其中适用于所有的成年人.我的祖父母是一个不可分割的(组成的)和重要组成部分,家庭和社区.有时,我有一个可怕的担心,地雷将是最后一代知道老人的朋友,有什么感觉越来越老手段,尊重和理解人的死亡率和他的勇气在面对死亡.