作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/20 03:34:14
( 5 ).We can also do our homework at home and    upload it to our teachers to be graded ,and              even take examinations online,( 6 )(with)the          trouble of leaving our homes.On the ( 7 )hand,        our homework and test us online too.As a result,( 9 )(learn)and teaching through the Internet   will help( 10 )students and teachers
解题思路: 根据文章,理解内容,填上正确的单词
With the 1popularity
2 to take place
3 to go school
4 However,
( 5home ).We can also do our homework at home and    upload it to our teachers to be graded ,and              even take examinations online,( 6without )(with)the          trouble of leaving our homes.On the ( 7other )hand,        our homework and test us online too.As a result,( 9leaning )(learn)and teaching through the Internet   will help( 10the )students and teachers