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英语求翻译1. 记住明天把家庭作业带到学校来.Remember ________ _______ your homewo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 11:28:28
1. 记住明天把家庭作业带到学校来.Remember ________ _______ your homework to ________ tomorrow.
2. 父母亲制定制度是为了帮助我们.Parents________ _______ _______help us.
3. 你得留短发.You have to ________ _______ _________.
4. 规章制度是什么?我们必须按时上课.
What ________ the ________ ? We must ________ _______________ _______ class.
5. 而且我们在图书馆必须安静.We ________ _______ ________ _______________ _______ the library.
6. 有太多的食物了.There ________ _______ _______________ .
7. 别把脏盘子留在厨房.Don’t ________ the dirty dishes ________ the ________.
8. 我不得不去厨房为爷爷拿食物.
I have togo to the kitchen ________ food ________Grandpa.
9. 不要在走廊里喧哗.Don’t ________ _______ ________ the ________ .
10. 老师对我们很严格.The teacher ________ _______ ________ us.
11. 他上课经常迟到.He ________ often________ _______ school.
12. 我想戴上帽子去参加宴会.I want to ________ _______ _______ to theparty.
13. 其中一个苹果变质了.________ _______ ________ _______ goes dad.
14. 他经常在晚上看电视和写作业.He often ________ _______ and does_______________ _______..
15. 你喜欢什么动物?________ _______ do you like?
to bring.schoolmake rules to cut your hairare rules  /   be on time for must keep quiet inis too much foodleave    in   kitchento take    fordon't make noise in the corridorsis restrict tohe is often late forwear a hat
One of the appleswatches TV      his homeworkWhat animal