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英文翻译……asked the students tu make sen-tences with "I".Jack pu

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 07:28:19
……asked the students tu make sen-tences with "I".Jack put up his hand. he stood up and said,"I is…”The teacher became angry.He stopped Jack and said"I have told you again not to say‘ is'.Dong't you remember
"Yes,I remember,sir,"Jack said.
"Well,go on with your sentence,then,"Mr.Smith said.
Jack went on with his sentence,"I am the ninth letter in the Engilsh Alphabet."
All the studengts in the class laughed.Mr.Smith's face turned red.He looked at Jack and said,"I'm very sorry,Jack,and take back what I said.
老师要学生用"I"造句, 杰克举手说:"I is( 我是)." 老师没等他说完就生气了.
杰克继续造他的句子:""I"(我) 是英语字母表中的第9个字母."