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一个世纪第一个年代的英文怎么说?例如1920年代叫做nineteen-twenties, 1910叫做19-teens

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:42:00
一个世纪第一个年代的英文怎么说?例如1920年代叫做nineteen-twenties, 1910叫做19-teens
如果没有,是否就是叫做early 19-hundred,或者是什么?谢谢.
哥也是英文专业的。如果答不靠谱的朋友还是绕道吧 呵呵。至少先好好查下啊。给出点有内容,有亮点的答复吧,至少,对不对?
假设现在是口译里用到,就要翻译:1900s, 1910s, 1920s
(_?_), nineteen-teens, nineteen-twenties.
1 The first decade of the 1900s.
2 The first decade of the twentieth (20th) century.
英语的 decade (10年) 是很常用的一个字,例句:
The first decade of the new millenium (2000 - 2009) has now gone for 3 years!
The world had development extremely fast in the past several decades.
The past decade has seen the company developed into a leader of the industry.
In a decade or two's time,people will have forgotten about you completely!
The first decade of the 21st century (2000 - 2009) is gone,we are now in the second decade(2010 -2019) and the world is still not quite peaceful as what we would have hope for.
再问: 多谢。能给几个有出处的地道权威例句吗,出处也给下。 我觉得应该有个专门的,地道的说法。还是用这个例子吧,延伸一下: 口语里会说到: nineteen-eighties (1980s), nineteen-nineties (1990s), _?_ (2000s - 头十年是这么用吗,这里要怎么读), twenty-teens (2010s), twenty-twenties(2020s) Thanks.
再答: 若果用文字代替数字的话: 1900 -1909 > The first ten years of the nineteen-hundred's. 或: The first ten years of the twentieth century. 至於 1980s和1990s 例句: In the nineteen-eighties and nineties, we saw the rapid development of the internet. 在1980 和 90 年代间。我们目击互联网的快速发展。 twenty-teens (2010s), twenty-twenties(2020s) 的例句: The first ten years of the twenty-hundred's (或 twenty-first century) is gone,we are now into the third year of the twenty-teens and only seven years from the twenty-twenties. 2000年的头10年已经过去,我们现在已进入了2010年代的第3年,只距2020年代7年了。 还要注意的是 1900's 和 1900s 的分别: 1900's 是 1900 - 1999 1900s 是 1900-1909 (1980s 是 1980 - 1989 即20世纪的80年代) 很对不起,回迟了你,因为本人居於英国,有时差的问题,若还有不明,请继续追问。