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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 10:15:53
Loving the collective
"Collective," What a wonderful kind words!It belongs to all of us,it is combined by many members of organized groups.Chinese women's volleyball team is a very good group.At the Athens Olympic Games,they had five hurdles,and finally get the gold medal,won the championship two years!The success of their team spirit and is also closely linked to!Chinese women's volleyball final in the final,straight sets first two Councils,in this emergency situation,they are not discouraged,but to play a collective effort,together,lay behind the game,as the saying goes,"if people share Taishan shift "in the end they are the results of 3 to 2 defeat of the Russian women's volleyball,this is not how easy do you want!We can not help unity and struggle for the Chinese women's volleyball admire the collective spirit!
"Qiu Shaoyun," the name of this loud,we must be very familiar with it!In the Korean battle,Qiu Shaoyun Comrade latency,hit by enemy incendiary bombs,fire in his veins,but his battle to win,actually did not move a step,such as extremely heavy stone moving,for the collective interests of the He has shown amazing stamina!What a strong fighter ah!
The two examples above,do not tell us how much of a good collective is important?Better collective life is created by who?By you,me and all of us ah!When you get to help students,please remember this is a collective you warm; when you warm and help when a student,please remember that your actions have embodied the spirit of collective solidarity; when you share the warmth of the collective When you remember yourself that contribute to the collective.I think:As long as everyone is disciplined,the class would be inspirational spirit; together,we will get more higher class honors.
"A small tree,hard by the wind and rain; hundred miles of forest,to the top whistling wind." Let us take the initiative to collective enthusiasm for the collective work,and serving the collective service it!
Loving the collective love of school
When it comes to this subject,I think many students will find it is very old.Well,love really is an old subject group,but it will never become obsolete.It is no exaggeration to say that this is an eternal theme.
Of course,since it obsolete,that have long been raised.As for what specific time,I think it probably can be traced back to primitive man a time when the collective catch wild animals.And since it has long been put out,and are still talking and talking,as evidenced by the collective passion for human development indeed played a significant role.
Here,some students may feel very empty,that is,a great love for the collective feeling that the words,it is empty,indeed,while it non-stop talking,but does not appear,or the few truly integrated into our ideas.We made very few people can really understand the inner word "love the team," This is the meaning of words.Note that this is not a general "love",but "love",so-called "love",is to have a kind of fanaticism in it.
Of course,so that is a bit harsh.Because,I think,love the team,we have put into action.Actually,it is simply bits and pieces of behavior,for the class to take blocks of cloth,pick up litter on campus,earnestly singing the national anthem,or even do a careful Duty,about humility in the carport,all love the collective performance.We have done it and done well.
In fact,for us,love the expression on the collective behavior of these inadvertently.We may not know it to do so in real terms,it is very natural to do that.So,in fact,is our collective love of nature.So to say,some students may be very surprised to realize that they have already done a lot of things collectively,had such a love for their own collective.
Of course,there will be students that raised since the Renaissance humanism from friends,we have to "people oriented",not to mention where "people" actually does not refer to individuals,even if it,like you were the one contest prize ,of course,your personal access,and other presentation certainly not say "so and so" What prize was what and who know you,of course that the National Chiao Tung University's affiliated high school students a year of a certain class,they are virtually the collective by the light,but also love the team performance.
Here,please allow me on behalf of all senior grade students,welcome one and started this new high of Benedictine College Shanghai Campus,National Chiao Tung University High School to join the love,the 3,800 people join the ranks of the big collective.Let us,in bits and pieces of behavior,as the High School bring honor,pride for the middle school.National Chiao Tung University's affiliated high school,our common great collective learning and life,she like our mother,the care of our growth,let us love with her sincere feelings to it!
Today,I stand here,not trying to tell you that we have to love the team,but would like to say,we love our group,especially our dear alma mater,we did very well,and we have to do so to !
A group of people who love
Wang Yu collective love of my classmates,the class is out of the name.What Shangcao lights are turned off when not,what the window is not open during school,he always thinking about.I can not help asking him:"You are not a class cadre ,possession of so many things you tired ah?"but he said:" Class is our own home,do something for their home can be tired of what?"
He is saying this is to do so.I remember one time,on Friday after school,the attendant forgot to clean the dirt triangle cabinet.Monday I first came to the school on duty Qianqian.Qianqian open triangle counter preparations do on duty.ah,dirt inside the fermentation,and emitting a bad odor,she has always loved the clean broom down,clutching his nose and ran back to his seat.I am the leader of this group,see the crew cut and heart winter ridge gas.When I went to three preparation to go and sweep counter distribution of the acid smell of the dirt,they were Xunde frowned.I pretend that he planned to run away with the attendant,their way to turn leave time into the classroom between the Wang Yu.fractures of his legs fell a few days ago,is still sidelined with injuries,has been unable to do strenuous activities.he saw the triangle cabinet wide open,which dirty unbearable,if not two that finished school,pick up the broom to sweep up.He first sweep out a bunch of small food bag,places them in a pile of good,into the garbage; and then sweep out a few soft drinks box,light them with their feet Light Caibian,also put in the garbage,then he has swept out a few pieces of chalk,a few pieces of the banana skin has been darkened,get stabbed in with a dustpan.then he just about to turn to garbage,suddenly found closet with a few sticks of chewing gum firmly under his sweep of the sweep with a broom,not sweeping move,foot rub a rub,or do not get down.Then he simply squat body,hand out to pull the cabinet go At that time he used his nails to stick very firmly into the gum to pull down the trash when full penetration of his forehead sweat.
At this time,he just about to get up to go to waste,because no good leg thoroughly,then crouched for a long time,body not help sway a little,almost fell down.I Duty of Qianqian,then could not resist anymore ,and one up against it for support of Wang Yu,a gun in his hand over bin outside the classroom.
I'm trying to help Wang Yu back seat,he went ahead went to the window pushed open the window.Suddenly,fresh air greeted,I am also changing the classroom of fresh air a lot.
Students trickled into the classroom,see Wang Yu,sweating profusely,have a look neat triangular cabinets,all the love out of the collective Wang Yu thumb.