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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 07:22:00
1.He used to cause a lot of trouble.[]他过去常常惹麻烦
Martin Murray is a fifteen-year-old boy.[]马丁·默里是一个15岁大的男孩.
2.He used to be a "problemchild',but a recent conversation with his mother changed his life.[]他过去曾是个“问题孩子”,但最近他与母亲的一次谈话改变了他的生活.
3.He didn't use to give hismother many problems.[]他过去并没有经常给他母亲带来很多麻烦.
4.However,after his father'sdeath a few years ago,Martin’s life became much more difficult.[]然而,当他的父亲几年前去世后,马丁一家的生活变得越来越艰难了.
5.His mother couldn’t afford topay for her children's education.[]她的母亲不能承担支付他的教育费用.
6.To do this,she had to work,and so was not often at home.[]为此,她不得不去工作,所以经常不能常常待在家里.
His mother looked after him as well as she could.[]他的母亲尽她所能的照顾着他.
7.Unfortunately,Martin stillcaused problems for himself and his family.[]不幸的是,马丁仍然给他自己和他的家庭招来很多问题.
8.He was not interested instudying,and he often got into trouble with the police.[]他对学习不感兴趣,他经常惹出警察的麻烦.
9.Luckily,his mother was verypatient,and didn’t give up trying to help him.[]幸运的是,他的母亲非常有耐心,没有放弃努力去帮助他.
10.In the end,she made a difficult decision:to send him to a boys'boarding school.[]最后,她最了一个艰难的决定:送他到一个男生寄宿学校.
11.Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble.[]马丁讨厌它,常常惹来很多麻烦.
12.One day,he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school.[]一天,他告诉他的老师他想离开学校.
13.Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting his time.[]甚至老师都认同马丁是在浪费时间.
The head teacher said it was necessary to talk with his mother.[]校长说跟他的母亲谈一谈是有必要的.
14.Martin called his mother,but to his surprise,this phone callchanged his life.[]马丁打电话给他母亲,但令他惊奇的是,这个电话改变了他的生活.
15.“It was exactly what I needed,” he said.[]他说,“那正是我所需要的.”
16.“My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me.[]“我的母亲帮助我理解她过去给了我多少.
17.She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us,he was watching me,and would always take pride in everything good I do.[]她也告诉我即使我父亲不再和我们在一起了,但他一直在注视着我,也总是为我所做的一切自豪.
18.That’s when I decided to change.[]那一刻我决定了要改变.
19.I realize that since my father died,I have been afraid of beingalone,and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.”[]我意识到自从我父亲死了,我一直害怕独自一个人,也一直想让我母亲更多的关注我.”
Now Martin has really changed.[]现在马丁已经改变了.
20.He has been working hard,and is now a top student in his class.[]他一直努力地学习,现在是班上最优秀的学生.
How was he able to change?[]他是怎么能够改变的呢?
21.His mother’s love helped him to feel good about himself,and asMartin himself says,“It’s very important for parents to be there for theirchildren.”[]他母亲的爱帮他认识了他自己,正如马丁自己所说的,“对于父母来说,孩子需要的时候一定要在他身边是非常重要的.”
22.I am afraid sea.I don’t know how to swim.[]我害怕海.我不知道怎么游泳.
23.Don’t worry about things too much.It will make you stressed out.[]不要担心太多事情.它将使你压力很大.
24.Sorry,I can’t join you.I have to study for test.[]对不起,我不能加入你了.为了考试我不得不学习.
25.I really miss my friend Tina.She moved to another town.[]我真地很想念Tina.她搬到另一个镇上去了.
26.I used to have short hair but now I grow it long.[]我过去是短发,但现在我把它留长了.