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英语翻译1.According to our company's property insurance,we will

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 15:53:04
1.According to our company's property insurance,we will not pay for loss or damage of the buildings caused by earthquake.
2.The policy corvers looses from theft if it is stoken,the insured will receive a surn of money as compensation.
3.You should look into the best way to transfer some of the risk away from yourself.And we can after medical insurances that covers every member of your family.
4.I just have an accident.My car has been seriously damaged Fortunately,I have insurance and my insure will pay for all my looses.
5.Life insurance is a means of shifting financiakl risks associated with death.When you die,money will be paid to the person you designate to recieve the insurance.
1 根据财产险规定,对于因地震而导致的损失我公司一概不予理赔.
2 政策/内容包含因被盗而引起的损失,如一旦发生,被投保人将收到一笔理赔金.
3 您可以寻找最佳的方法来转移自己的风险.我公司可以担保您的家人医疗险.
4 我出事了.我的车重度受损,幸运的是,我买了保险,我的保险人会对我的损失进行理赔.
5 寿险是一种与身故有关系,并通过此种方法转移财务上风险的保险.如果您身故的话,保险金将会转给您指定的受益人.