作业帮 > 综合 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/07 17:00:59
I was enjoying my meal that my grandmother cooked for us at 7 last night.Our dinner lasted for 40 minutes.I was helping my mother wash the dishes afterwards.At eight o'clock I realized I had some homework to do,so I returned to my room to work on my school work.As soon as I opened my math book,my mother knocked the door and told me there were some fruits available and asked me whether I would like to have some.I continued my study after simply told her I didn't want any fruit.I didn't expect the homework was that difficult.It took me more than an hour to complete it.When I packed up my school bag I found it was already quater past 9:00.I missed 25 minutes of the TV program that I followed everyday.It was not too bad because I could still follow it even there was a 25-minute missing part.
谁帮我写一篇英语作文 老师要求题目是怎样过好中秋节 60多个单词就行了 用词最好简单点 不要太深奥的 谁能帮我写一篇介绍国家的英语作文那,急呀,我只能等2个小时,麻烦有能力的人快点,不要太难的,初1水平就成,越简单越好,大 在线等...写一篇作文 总结过去 展望未来 老师让开学交一篇作文 麻烦大家给点小提示 应该怎么写 最好有范文 我认识的勾股定理写一篇小论文.300多字就可以了(写得简单点,不要太深奥) 英语命题作文昨晚九点,你和你的家人在做什么.(全部是过去时) 请以“My lucky/unlucky day”为题目写一篇英语作文,80词左右就行了,语法不要太难,单词句子通俗易懂点 关于初二英语自我介绍,内容不必太标新立异,简单一点就行了.不要太长也不要太短,内容不要太难,我英语不是很好! 以“my hero”为题目写一篇英语作文,70字就好,不要太深奥,单词简单点的 求一篇初二过去进行时的英语作文,内容是星期天早上8到12点我所做的事最少8句,事件最少6个 能不能帮我写一段两个人的英语对话,一个人说六,七句话,谢谢了,不要太难也不要太简单,谢谢你们了,在线等! 写一篇关于全家福的英语作文,不要太难的,如果写不出来,那就把下面的作文翻译成英文,要40个词(我的要求是高了点,可是没办 帮我写一篇英语作文谢谢了在线等