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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 22:38:11
If you choose to live with their parents ,such as housework ,child education ,there have been two generations on the "generation gap" ,in this case ,is bound to cause some conflict ; If you do not choose to live together with their parents or the parents admitted to a nursing home Whether it violated the " honor their parents ' traditional thinking?
Family conflicts,ever more concentrated in -law .But in today ,reflects the performance of this contradiction is polygonal :the wife and father- mother,his wife and his parents ,wife and husband ; her husband and her parents ,her husband and her parents ,and so will always occur ,especially to maintain family relationships thin ,but how are we going to do to prevent the disintegration of family relationships
According to a survey,in the way of family support ,because the proportion of adult children living apart from their parents in the city of up to 69.0% ,59.9% in rural areas ; help the economy ,urban residents in 2001 monthly average of the parents ( in-laws ) expenses 123.85 yuan ,while rural residents in the year for parents ( in-laws ),the average spending was 463.76 yuan .When the elderly sick ,70.0% of respondents with siblings take turns to take care of .
Now the family model is changing the way family support and quietly occur.
Do you want to live separately and in-laws
In China 's traditional view ,get married and live with their parents for granted ,you can better care for their parents ,so that they have a happy old age.However,with the concept of change ,more and more young couples two of the world the pursuit of happiness ,the pursuit from the United States ,they are more willing to organize their own families.
Because he was an only child ,and his mother did not work ,so what more do not do housework dry .I get along with his parents is also very good ,there is a sense of dependency to live together ,but it seems not normal to run their own marriage.I hope too that two people share the housework which share the fun of family life.However,he did not seem to let his parents after marriage to live out the meaning ,if I proposed to let his parents go to the old house to live in ,it will not be too that the
And who live with their parents
In the survey,many respondents said that you can live together with their parents ,but did not know whether willing or not willing to live with a spouse 's parents .In China 's traditional family mode," marry a chicken with the chicken ," the couple after marriage it is natural to live with the husband 's parents .However ,his parents have raised their own for decades ,why only thought to take care of her mother 's emotions,let her husband filial piety ,so that we live together How did not expect to need to be filial to their parents No children very ample funds to buy a new house ,often live under conditions which side and which side on new parents live .Have money to buy a new house ,which side is often good parents good health and willing to take care of children and on which side of dedicated live .
Old people live?
Now 65 percent of the elderly rely on their children to live dependent .DGBAS survey of 65 years of age to retire civil servants :Do you think living with life after retirement and who is the happiest 80% said yes and child (ren) .Those children idea how To the children of retired civil servants ,80% think that to their own lives happier .Those willing to live with their parents parents -what people look like It was found filled with human tragedy ,is willing to live with the parent and child are " parents say that we have the ability to take care of themselves ."
Older people want their children to accompany him
China Social Investigation Office survey shows that nearly half of the elderly loneliness ,the elderly hope the community to provide more affordable pension institutions .Almost all of the elderly expressed the hope that his side have children and do not want their children to live at home back often to chat with them .About 70% of the elderly ,said he could not accept the relationship between parent and child,the West ,but about 10% of households said that senior intellectuals ,can accept Western ideas .
Old man admitted with their children have a generation gap
Most elderly people have acknowledged the existence of the "generation gap " problem child ,thinking in terms of communication and exchange ,only 30.4% of households do completely frank ,47.7 % of households have some communication and consultation ,and the remaining 11.9% of families own ways,without disturbing each other ,live together with children of the elderly elderly average daily spend time within an hour of 38.4% ,between one to two hours accounted for 49.3% ,more than three hours of only 12.3 %.
77.4 % of them said that their children respect and care for them ,and the elderly to give their children the care and attention are very pleased with the 24.0% feel more satisfied with 53.1% ,was basically satisfied accounted for 19.6 %,with 12.8% of family relationships in general,only 9.8 % of the elderly are not considered family relationship harmony .About 60% of the elderly ,said their daughter relationship in more detail some of the .
The old man said :We are on this one son
That his son married ,the family no longer have nothing to worry about a thing ,a person can enjoy a little grandchildren ,did not think his wife Qujin the door,and we meet his son but less time .We on this one son ,family relationships if not handled properly ,we had the rest of my life that how
Wife said:mother always want her son to live my pipe
I now live with her mother and has been a year ,and has been since she quarrel ,almost divorced.I am also relatively easy to talk to people ,but particularly the idea of the old lady ,and sometimes do not know where they offend her ,and no way to communicate .Do not want to obey her,really tired,she is the kind of conservative thinking people always want to take control of her son's wife,we fight ,she did not say her son ,sometimes my training