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英语翻译The current crisis,it contends,does not derive from a le

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 02:59:52
The current crisis,it contends,does not derive from a legitimate desire to put learning to productive ends.The problem is that in too many academic fields,the work has no context; skills,rather than being means,have become ends.Students are offered a variety of options and allowed to pick their way to a degree.1、这里put learning to 是放什么到什么位置吗?是desire的定语吗?2、还有The problem is that 后的宾从看不出主谓呀?3、the work has no context; skills,是什么结构?4、context是什么意思?5、翻译下整句,
回答:1.to put learning to...是动词不定式作定语.2.The problem is that 后是一个较长的表语从句,该从句由两个并列的分句组成,第一个分句的主语是 the work,第二个分句的主语是 skills.3.the work has no context 是表语从句的第一个分句,skills have become ends 是第二个分句,context 与 skills 无关.4.context 是“上下文”,这里可以理解为“背景,来龙去脉,前因后果”5.我的译文谨供参考:“它指出,当前的危机不是源于把研究投入到富有成效的产出这个合情合理的愿望.问题在于,在太多的学术领域中,科研工作没有前因后果.(卖弄)技巧,而不是(解决问题的)方法,成了(科研)工作的结局.人们为学生提供了五花八门的选择,并允许学生挑选获得学位的方式.”这里的“它”批评了学术界的浮夸风:缺乏脚踏实地、务实求真的精神,人们(包括学生)在科研中片面追求卖弄技巧,为了捞到学位不择手段地走捷径.