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谁有"1+1=2?" 英语演讲稿?

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/01 16:06:35
谁有"1+1=2?" 英语演讲稿?
Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, thank you for giving me the opportunity to stand here .Today, my topic is if you want, 1 plus 1will be larger than 2! 女士们,先生们,晚上好,感谢你们给我这个机会站在这里,今天,我的演讲题目是:如果你想,一加一就会大于二 It’s widely believed that one plus one equals two is a truth in the world of math. But in reality,it may not be true ,’cause we can not just define the individual with numbers. Everything in this world is specially created with the gift only given to them . 作为数学世界里面的一个真理,1+1=2 已经被人们广为接受,但是在现实生活种,它不一定正确,因为我们不能用数字来定义生活中的个体,在这个世界上的所有东西都有自己独特的天赋,都是特殊的 When two individuals come together, it will not just be a matter of quantity, but also the quality.Since between them there will be some kind of relationships.The relationships can be positive or negative, and because of the difference of it , the result will be varied. 当两个个体到一起的时候,就不仅仅是数量的问题了,还有个性.因为在他们之间,有某种关系.这个关系可以是积极的或者消极的,因为关系的不同,结果将会变化 Kobe Bryant is a great player who is borned to dominate a basketball match, while O’Neal is the best centre-forward of NBA. The two individuals both come from the Lakers, they were good friends; their fantastic cooperation is the sharpest weapon which made the opponents dizzy .Because of the two guys with positive relationship, the Lakers can have the chance to be the champions of the NBA Playoffs. However, years later, they have become more self-centered and quarrel with each other frequently for the game plays, the cooperation between the them had collapsed,which at last led to a defeat of the team! So, it’s easy to see that the unsure relationship between two individuals has a great effect on the result, 1 plus 1 can be lager than 2 or smaller than 2.科比布莱尔特是一个伟大的球员,他注定是要主宰篮球比赛的,而奥尼尔是NBA最好的中锋,这两个个体都来自湖人队,他们曾今是好朋友,他们美妙的配合是让对手炫目的最犀利的武器,因为这两个有良性关系的人,湖人队才会有机会成为季后赛的冠军,然而,几年后,他们变得更加自我,经常性的因为战术打法而争吵,而他们的合作也彻底结束,最终直接导致了湖人队的失败,所以,可以很容易看出,在个体之间不确定的关系对结果起着重大的作用,一加一可以大于二,也可以小于二 When the individuals are connected with positive relationships such as friendship, love, affection and so on .Their potential will get fully inspired and burst out more energy for a greater success. In this situation, 1 plus 1 will absolutely be lager than 2.That’s why our leaders emphisize social harmony,’cause only with positive relationships can all the individuals make their best! 当个体之间被积极的关系(如友情,爱情,亲情)联系起来的时候,他们的潜力会得到充分的发挥,释放出更多的能量去赢得更大的成功,在这种情况下,一加一肯定会大于二,这就是为什么我们的领导人强调和谐社会,因为只有在这种良性关系下,我们才能做到最好 Conversely, sometimes the individuals will be connected with negative relationships such as jealousy, hatred. It’s unvoidable ,Which may probably make us get no where, in this situation, 1 plus 1 will be smaller than 2.but it’s not the final result,’cause I believe that most of the antagonism in this world is rooted in the misunderstanding between individuals. All we need is change Things do not change, we change.we can make change from ourselves .If we could be more patient, if we could be more tolerant, if we could put ourselves into others’ shoes, I believe that cooperation will finally be established, and THAT will lead to success ,one plus one will be larger than two 相反的,有时候个体之间也会遇到消极的关系,像嫉妒,憎恨,这是不可避免的,会让我们一事无成,在这种情况下,一加一就会小于二,但是这并不是最终的结果,因为我相信,这个世界大部分的对立是由于个体之间的不理解引起的,我们能做的就是改变,山不过来,我们过去,我们可以从自身做出改变,如果我们多一些耐心,如果我们多一些忍耐,如果我们能为别人想象,我相信最终会建立起合作,这就会引起更大的成功,1加1就会大于二 Look up ,it’s your head where minds occurs ,look down ,this is your hand from which action stars,combine them together ,a power to change the world—that’s the power that enable you to be enthusiatic when you are down ,that;s the power that tell you to tolerate the pain you have never imagined ,that;s the power which make you a outstanding guy ,so you all to me is outstanding ,because I ‘ve seen the eqautaion in your heart:1plus 1 is larger than two ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1+1=2(one plus one is/equals two)? Honorable judges, my dear friends, Good evening. I’m so excited to stand here to share something with you. But, to tell you the truth, a little nervous here. (try to smile a little here) Now here comes my speech: As is known to all, one plus one is two. But it is so simple just with pure numbers.(这只是数字的简单相加)? Do some thinking, what if we put a noun after the number? Of course, various answers come out instead of the two. ?(答案是丰富多彩的) For example, a cup of tea +a spoon of salt is a cup of salty tea; an apple and a boy is a boy at last; and so on. All this is obvious. So ,is that“1+1=2”exactly? No, I don’t think so, and I think you are for me. Now I’d like to share a story with you. A water bearer had two large pots(body language to mime the “pot”), one of the pots had a crack in it, and while the other was perfect. This two pots were used to carry water and each time one and one-half pots full of water was delivered from the stream to his master’s house. For years this went on daily, the cracked pot felt sorry for this. But the belief was in his heart that I should be well used as I’m borned. (天生我才必有用)?and a loss may turn out to be another gain. How he want to have a good idea to change the unhappiness. So he thought and thought, finally, it occurred to him, that night he called the anger to put some flower seeds on his side of the road. Because of his watering every day, a beautiful flower line appeared. The flowers made people there have good mood, for there were few flowers in the village. The cracked pot watered the flowers, smiling when people smiled to the beautiful flowers. In the story, the cracked pot knew his flaws well, with the confidence and his wit, he create a lot of beauty. We are all cracked pots, ie, each of us has our unique flaws, my friends. But we should believe that nothing goes to waste, and then take the best of it. Don’t be ashamed of our flaws. Just acknowledge them, and we can also be the cause of beauty. Know that in our weakness we find our strength. (这个故事说明的似乎只是认识自己不足之处并加以发挥的重要性,与我们的论题要求体现团队精神有偏差) So we can say that, a cracked pot with warm heart +his confidence and wisdom, that comes his great success. That is all, thank you! 找了一些资料供你参考,可以模仿,但不要照搬,演讲的时候注意语速不要太快,发音清晰,让人可以听懂,而不要让观众有听你演讲很累的感觉. Good morning. I’m No. ___Contestant. My topic is “Does one plus one equals two?” Actually, “1+1=2” might be the No.1 equation that we came across on our first school day. But is it a universal principle? The answer is a resounding “no!” In some instances, 1 plus 1 is greater than 2. When a man and a woman get married, a baby would come to them as “the third party”. This is a typical case that “1+1” equals 3. When I was very young at school, I used to exchange picture books I had, and fascinating stories I knew with one of my best friends. That meant what my friend and I possessed would be doubled. In this case, “1+1” meant a lot. The same is true of the relations between the nations. If developed countries cooperate more closely with the developing ones, they would come to a win-win position, which in itself would contribute a lot to the world peace. On the controversy, there are also a lot of cases in which the result of “1+1” is less than 2. E.g. in football, teamwork is even more important than individual skill. So, a team would be doomed to failure if its members were short of team spirit. Also, Rich countries would be constantly threatened by terrorists, transnational crimes, even wars if they kept showing disregard for the needs of the poor countries. Hence it is not difficult to draw the conclusion: to make “1+1” greater than 2, we needs courage, dialogue, and what is more, team spirit. Otherwise, whenever teamwork is gone with the wind, and “1+1” starts to become less than two, defeat will be an inevitable bitter pill for us to swallow.