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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 00:34:47
In the background of China's urbanization, the urban population increasing, "80" rigid demand caused by a variety of reasons such as the rapid expansion of the excessive growth of house prices in some cities the situation. High prices have a direct impact on the status of a large number living in the city "after 80" young people living and working. High prices make these "80" began to choose delayed marriage and childbearing, "Naked Wedding" and other new way of life, but also created a large number of "Neets" "ant." Large number of "80" due to economic pressure, gave up the idea of their own businesses, forced to abandon their dreams ...
The state departments concerned have taken appropriate measures to adjust the property market, property prices in the case of suppression, how to self-adjust to the impact of high prices is "80" after the most anxious to solve. In densely populated cities on how to achieve better development? Is of marriageable age "80" How to buy a house across the problem? In this paper, "after 80" angle as a starting point to the real phenomenon in today's society, based on analysis of the impact of high prices. Made for "80" self-adjustment method. At this stage, the case of skyrocketing housing prices, put themselves in a state of mind, choose their own lifestyle, and learn from other countries way of life. Accelerate the pace of ourselves and better integrate into social life.
Key words: high prices; self-adjustment; urbanization; rigid demand; delayed marriage and childbearing
英语翻译在全球城市化的大背景下,由于城市人口增多,“80后”刚性需求增加等多种原因造成了房价过快增长的局面.高房价的现状 英语翻译我国未来经济增长在相当程度上将取决于城市化的进程,在这样的背景下,对于城市化的研究愈发重要.本文首先介绍了城市化 1、受金融危机影响,房价一度低迷.但是,随着房地产市场的回升,一些城市出现了房价上涨过快等问题.造成上述现象的根本原因是 英语翻译近几年来,中国房地产发展迅猛,房价持续上涨.为遏制一些城市的房价过快增长,政府实施了相关调控政策,此后,房地产市 抑制房价过快增长有利于解决民生问题 抑制房价过快增长是我国近期一切工作的中心 城市化的主要标志是城市人口增加,城市人口比重增加,城市用地规模扩大? 英语翻译内容摘要:在当前经济发展的大背景下,我国酒店业管理发展迅速,品牌不断提升,但也存在一些问题,本文结合实际对酒店业 第二次世界大战后发展中国家和发达国家城市人口迅速增长的相同原因 改革开放加速了中国的城市化进程.1978年我国城市数量为l93个,l997年为668个.其中以中小城市的增长最为迅速.这 改革开放加速了中国的城市化进程.1978年我国城市数量为193个,1997年为668个,其中以中小城市的增长最为迅速.这 政府为遏制部分城市房价过快上涨采取的措失,体现了《政治生活》中的哪些道理? 新中国成立后,我国人口增长过快的原因是什么?