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TheSun太阳 作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/14 01:35:29
TheSun太阳 作文
The sun also makes our day and our night. Light travels in straight lines. It comes from the sun 45,000,000 miles away.The sun lights half the earth at a time. It is day on the lighted side. It is night on the dark side of the earth. Almost every part of the earth turns from day to night during every 24 hours.A sunny day in winter is colder than a sunny day in summer. This is because the summer day is longer, everything has a longer time to warm up and the sun shines more directly on the earth. In winter, the day is short, there is less time for everything to get warm and the sun doesn't shine more directly on the earth.Land, just like the sand, warms up more quickly than water but it also loses its heat more quickly. So on a hot sunny summer's day on the beach, you can feel how hot the sand gets. The water is cool to the feet when you go for a paddle.The sun makes our earth beautiful. It gives us light. It keeps us warm. It makes things grow. We can not live without the sun.地球上的一切生命都是以各种方式依靠太阳而生存的。没有太 阳的光和热,就没有生命。太阳给了我们食物、衣服,甚至我们的煤 也是太阳供给的。太阳还给我们创造了白天和黑夜。光是直线传播的,它来自 9500万英里远的太阳。太阳只能照亮半面地球。照亮的一面是白昼,暗的一面就是黑夜。在24小时当中,地球的每部分进行着白昼和黑夜的交替。一个冬天的晴日要比一个夏天的睛日冷,因为夏天的白天比较长,一切东西受热的时间较长,太阳直射到地球上。冬天,白昼短,物体受热时间相对短,而且太阳相对较少地直射地球。土地,就像沙子一样,比水受热快,但失热也快。因此,在一个赤热的夏日的海滩上你会感到沙滩多么炽热,而当你在浅水滩行走的时候,水却是凉的。太阳使我们的地球很美好,它给了我们光亮,使我们温暖,使万物生长。没有太阳,我们就不能生存。