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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:00:31
从前有个傻女婿.有一天他岳父要来拜访,父亲刚好要出远门,不放心,所以就教他,如果你岳父问你:"这些院子的牛马是怎么照顾的,长得这么好." 你就说:"小小畜牲何必介意!" 如果他问你:"家中事业是谁在管理的?" 你就说:"小婿无能父亲掌管!" 如果问起墙上那幅画,就说:"这是唐伯虎名画." 还叫他覆颂了一遍,才放心离开.当他岳父来了,一见他就问:"你父亲呢?" 答道:"小小畜牲何必介意!" 他岳父一听,心想不对,又问:"那我女儿呢?" 答道:"小婿无能,父亲掌管." 他岳父一听,大为生气,便喝叱道:"你说的是什么话?" 他一听很高兴,很有自信的说:"这是唐伯虎名画!"
Long ago,there was a silly son-in-law.One day,his father-in-law was coming to visit him,and his father was leaving,but worrying about him,so,his father taught him:
if your father-in-law ask you:"how are these cattle and horse well taken care?they are pretty good" you will answer:"don't (why) care about the beast",if he ask you:"who is managing your family business?" then you can answer:"it is my father who take care because of my inability" if he ask you the paint on the wall,you say:"it is Tang Bohu's famous paint"
After that,his father asked him to repeat it again,and then left at his ease.
When his father-in-law arrival,he asked him at the first seeing of him:"where is your father?"
he answer:"don't (why) care about the beast",his father-in-law found something wrong,then ask:"where is my daughter?" he answered:"it is my father who take care because of my inability" his father-in-law was so angry,and shouted at him:"what on earth you are talking about?" he answered:" i am talking about Tang Bohu's famous paint"
My God!too long!I am so boring!