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英语翻译Introduction:In this experiment we will investigate the

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 20:03:38
In this experiment we will investigate the reaction kinetics for the oxidation of iodine ion by hydrogen peroxide:
H2O2 + 2I- + H+ -> I2 + 2H2O
The rate of this reaction and its dependence on the concentration of iodine ion and hydrogen peroxide will be determined.
Reaction rates can be affected by the concentration of reactants,temperature and the presence of a catalyst.
The reaction rate is expressed as the rate of change of concentration of the participating species.In our case reaction rate,in terms of change of hydrogen peroxide concentration,may be expressed as:
rate = d[H2O2]/dt = k[H2O2]m[I-]n
where K = rate constant,(units are M/s)
m = order of the reaction with respects to the concentration of hydrogen peroxide
n = order of the reaction with respects to the concentration of iodine ion
It is given that in this reaction,rate is independent of the concentration of H+.
In order to determine the rate of oxidation reaction we will use a second simultaneous reaction,sometimes called a clock reaction.By reacting thiosulfate ions with the iodine product from our oxidation.
I2 + 2S2O3 2- -> 2I- + S4O6 2-
This reaction will consume all I2 as soon as it is produce from our oxidation reaction.This will prevent our solution from turning blue from the I2 product.Once all the thiosulfate is consumed the I2 will appear and our solution will turn blue.Since the stoichmetric ratio of thiosulfate ion to hydrogen peroxide is known (2:1) and the initial quantity of thiosulfate ion is also known,we can determine the amount of hydrogen peroxide consumed by our oxidation over the time the thiosulfate reacted with Iodine.
In our experiment we will perform several runs.Half holding the [H2O2] constant while varying [I-] and then holding [I-] constant while varying [H2O2].This will allow us to determine the rate constant.Plotting the log[rate] vs log [H2O2] (with [I-] constant) will allows to determine m,order of reaction wrt to [H2O2].The slope of this line will equal m,when log[rate] is plotted on the y-axis.Again,plotting the log[rate] vs log [I-] (with [H2O2] constant) will allows to determine n,order of reaction wrt to [I-].
Step 1:Prepare solution of sodium thiosulfate,place 0.25gm (250 mg) of Na2S2O3 in 100ml beaker,add 20 ml of water and mix until dissolved.
Step 2:Prepare solution of potassium iodine.Add 10 gm of KI to a 100 ml beaker and add 20 ml of water and mix until dissolved.
Step 3:Obtain a 600 ml beaker,add KI and Na2S2O3 solutions,then add 60ml of 1M HCl.
Step 4:Finally add 50ml of .1M H2O2,as soon as the H2O2 is added start timing the reaction.Stop timing when the Iodine appears (solution changes color).Record time.
Step 5:Varying [H2O2] while holding [I-] constant.(2 more runs)
Repeat step 1
Repeat step 2 except with 20 gm and then 40 gm of KI
Repeat step 3
Add extra 150 ml and then 450 ml of water to the 600 ml beaker
Repeat step 4,record times for 300 ml and 600 ml solutions
Step 6:Varying [I-] while holding [H2O2] constant.(3 runs)
H2O2 2I-+ H +-> I2 + 2H2O
反应速率可以受浓度的反应物、 温度和催化剂的存在.
率 = d [H2O2] /dt = m k [H2O2] [我-] n
凡 K = 速率常数,(单位是米/秒)
m = 订单与过氧化氢浓度方面反应
n = 订单的碘离子浓度方面的反应
它是在这种反应,率是独立的 H + 浓度.
I2 + 2S2O3 2--> 2I + S4O6 2-
这种反应会消耗所有 I2,只要它是从我们的氧化反应产生.这将防止车削蓝色 I2 产品从我们的解决方案.一旦被消耗的硫代硫酸盐 I2 将出现,并且我们的解决方案将变成蓝色.由于硫代硫酸根离子对过氧化氢的 stoichmetric 比闻名 (2:1) 和硫代硫酸根离子的初始数量也知道,我们可以确定消耗我们的氧化,随着时间的推移的过氧化氢的量硫代硫酸盐反应与碘.
在我们的实验中,我们将进行几个运行.半时变按住 [H2O2] 常量 [我-] 然后按住 [我-] 恒时不同的 [H2O2].这将使我们能够确定速率常数.绘制日志 [率] vs 日志 [H2O2] (与 [我-] 恒) 将允许以确定 m,[H2O2] 复反应的顺序.这条线的边坡将等于米,当日志 [率] 绘制在 y 轴上.再次,策划日志 [率] vs 日志 [我-] (与 [H2O2] 常数) 将允许以确定 n,反应复的顺序 [我-].
补充部分:步骤 1:准备硫代硫酸钠的解决方案、 100 毫升烧杯中放置 0.25 gm (250 毫克) 的 Na2S2O3、 添加 20 毫升的水和混合直到溶解.
第 2 步:准备碘化钾的解决方案.100 毫升烧杯中添加淇 10 总经理和添加 20 毫升的水,混合直到溶解.
第 3 步:获得 600 毫升烧杯,添加淇和 Na2S2O3 的解决方案,然后添加 1 M HCl 60 毫升.
第 4 步:最后添加.1M H2O2,50 毫升,尽快 H2O2 添加开始计时的反应.碘出现 (解决方案改变颜色) 时,请停止计时.记录的时间.
第 5 步:同时举行变 [H2O2] [我-] 不断.(2 更运行)
重复步骤 1
重复步骤 2 除 20 通用汽车,然后 40 通用汽车的基
重复步骤 3
600 毫升烧杯中添加额外的 150 毫升,然后 450 毫升的水
重复第 4 步,记录时间 300 毫升和 600 毫升的解决方案
步骤 6:变 [我-] 同时持有 [H2O2] 的常数.(3 运行)