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Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 11:29:27

Ella Fant was a middle-aged lady who lived with her only son John in a small house. She ___1___ John very much. In her ___2___ he couldn’t do anything ___3___. Every morning she would give him breakfast ___4___ bed and bring him the papers to ___5___. It isn’t really true that he was too ___6___ to work ?in fact he had tried a few ___7___. First of all he was a window-cleaner and in his first week he managed to ___8___ at least six windows. Then he ___9___ a bus conductor and on his second ___10___ a passenger stole his bag with all the fares(车费) collected. He ___11___ lost his job as a postman ___12___ he sent off all the letters when he should have taken them to people’s houses. It seemed that there was ___13___ suitable work for him. So he ___14___ to join the army. Mrs. Fant was so ___15___ about this that she told the ___16___ to all her neighbours. “My John is going to be a soldier,” she said, 揾e is going to be the best soldier there ___17___ was, I can tell you!?
Then the great day came ___18___ he was to march past the palace in the parade(接受检阅的队伍). His ___19___ mother travelled to the city early in the morning to be sure of getting a good ___20___ in the crowd.
The parade was full of sound and colour. But when John and his ___21___ came in sight some of the people watching ___22___ laughing at the one who couldn’t keep pace with the others as they marched along.
But Ella Fant, who was filled with ___23___, shouted at the top of her voice: 揕ook at ___24___!They’re all out of ___25___ except my John! Isn’t he the best! ?
1. A. depended on  B. waited on   C. trusted       D. loved
2. A. hope      B. eyes    C. head   D. beliefs
3. A. wrong    B. great   C. good   D. strange
4. A. to   B. at       C. in       D. by
5. A. check     B. read    C. keep   D. sign
6. A. lazy       B. young C. weak   D. shy
7. A. ones       B. years   C. tasks   D. jobs
8. A. rub B. drop   C. break  D. clean
9. A. followed       B. met     C. became      D. found
10. A. day      B. try      C. route   D. chance
11. A. thus      B. even   C. once   D. only
12. A. even if B. so that C. because      D. though
13. A. some    B. such    C. less     D. no
14. A. began   B. promised    C. managed    D. decided
15. A. excited B. worried      C. anxious      D. curious
16. A. incident       B. change       C. news   D. matter
17. A. yet       B. even   C. never  D. just
18. A. where   B. since   C. when  D. till
19. A. proud   B. kind    C. strict   D. lucky
20. A. time     B. position      C. experience  D. impression
21. A. neighbours   B. army officer      C. mother       D. fellow soldiers
22. A. couldn’t help      B. shouldn’t burst out    C. stopped      D. kept
23. A. sadness B. happiness   C. surprise      D. regret
24. A. them    B. those   C. that     D. him
25. A. sight    B. order  C. mind   D. step

1---25           DBACB   ADCCA   BCDDA   CBCAB   DABAD  

本文主要讲叙 Ella Fant 因为过分溺爱和相信自己的儿子所引出的一个滑稽故事。
1. D。根据下文讲到的 Ella Fant 对儿子的细心照顾可推知她非常 loved 自己的儿子。
2. B。in one’s eyes 为习语,意为“在某人的心目中”、“在某人看来”。
3. A。比较四个选项,结合 Llla Fant 对儿子过于偏爱,可知选项 A 最佳。
4. C。in bed 为固定词组,意为“在床上”。每天早上都端饭让儿子在床上吃——这充分体现了 Fant 对儿子的溺爱,为下文作铺垫。
5. B。to read 为修饰 the papers 的定语,两者为动宾关系。
6. A。这是作者在反面衬托:不是 John 太懒不工作。
7. D。指 John 曾经试做过几个 jobs (下文有具体介绍)。
8. C。根据下文可知,John 每做一项工作都要犯一些很“低级”的错误。此处填 break,指他作为窗户清洁时打碎玻璃。注意作者用 in first week, managed to, at least 等所表达的语气。
9. C。根据下文的 …on his second day a passenger stole his bag with all the fares collected 可知,他 became 一名公共汽车售票员。
10. A。on his second day 指“在他上班的第二天”。
11. B。even 表示“甚至”,表示强调。
12. C。because 引出失去邮递员工作的原因。
13. D。根据上文所列举的 John 所遭遇的一连串失败,可以推知此处应填 no。
14. D。由于没有适合的工作可做,所以最后“决定”参军。
15. A。根据下文提到的表示结果的 that she told the news to all her neighbours,可以推知 Mrs. Fant 对儿子参军一事很激动(excited)。
16. C。结合上文,同时比较四个选项,news(消息)在此最合适。
17. B。ever 在此表示“曾经”,在此指“曾经有过的最优秀的士兵”。
18. C。when 引导定语从句修饰 the great day。
19. A。根据作者对 Mrs. Fant 整体描述,尤其是她的 He is going to be the best soldier there ever was, I can tell you 可以推知,这是一位 proud mother。
20. B。Ella Fant 一大早就赶进城,其目的是想在人群中找到一个好位置(position)。
21. D。与 John 一起在队伍中接受检阅的应是他的 fellow soldiers (战友)。
22. A。couldn’t help doing sth 是固定表达,其意为“忍不住做某事”。这里指的是当人们看到只有 John 一个人的步伐与大家不一致的时候,忍不住嘲笑他。
23. B。由于 Ella Fant 过分相信自己的儿子,认为做什么事都只有她的儿子才是最棒的,所以即使在自己的儿子步伐与大家不一致时,她还认为是别人的步伐与她儿子的不一致,并高喊 Isn’t he the best! 由此可推知,此时的 Ella Fant 心中恐怕只有 happiness。
24. A。根据后一句 They’re all out of step except my John! 可知,此处应 them,以保持前后人称一致。
25. D。out of pace 意为“步伐不一致”,注意联系上文的 … laughing at the one who couldn’t keep pace with the others。