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英语翻译Distributor shall pay all of its own business expenses,i

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/03 00:10:17
Distributor shall pay all of its own business expenses,including,without limitation,employee and agents' salaries and costs,taxes and insurance and shall maintain adequate personnel and product liability insurance责任保险,which coverage shall include claims made against AudioCodes.
Waiver.弃权,The failure of either party to enforce at any time or for any period of time any of the provisions hereof shall not be construed to be a waiver of such provisions or of the right of such party thereafter to enforce each such provision.No waiver in any instance of any of the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver with respect to any other terms of this Agreement or with respect to the same provision in any other instance.
Acts Beyond Control.AudioCodes shall not be liable for any delay in performance or for non-performance due to the occurrence of any contingency beyond its reasonable control,including but not limited to acts of God,acts of civil or military authority,strikes,fires,floods,earthquakes,epidemics,quarantine restrictions,war,riots,civil disobedience,embargo,rebellions,delays in transportation,governmental requirements and inability to obtain necessary labor,materials,permits,transport or manufacturing facilities.In the event of any such delay,the date of delivery shall be extended for a period equal to the time lost by reason of the delay.In the event of shortage of Products as a result of such an event,the available Products shall be allocated by AudioCodes in such a manner as it in its sole discretion determines to be equitable.
经销商企业自身应负担所有费用,包括不限制、雇员和代理商 ' 工资、成本、税收和保险,并应保持足够的人才和产品责任险保险责任,而应涵盖包括声称反对AudioCodes. 放弃. 弃权,任何一方不能执行在任何时候、任何时间任何停战协定的规定不得被解释为放弃这些规定的权利,或这些党以后每次执行此规定. 在任何情况下,不放弃任何的这项协议规定,应视为放弃对其他方面就这项协议或其他任何提供相同的例子. 行为失控. AudioCodes,不得承担责任对拖延业绩或作非绩效由于发生任何的应变超出其合理的控制,包括但不局限于天灾、行径民用或军用权威、罢工、火灾、水灾、地震、流行病、检疫限制、战争、暴乱、公民抗命、禁运、叛乱、拖延于运输、政府要求和无法得到必要劳力、原料、许可证、 生产或运输设备. 在出现迟延、交货日期将延长,等于失去了时间的延误原因. 在产品短缺的情况下,由于这种情况下,现有的产品应分配AudioCodes以这样的方式,但它是公平的唯一决定权.