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听小对话,选答案。 1. What is Uncle Wang? A. He is a teacher. &n

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 20:47:31
1. What is Uncle Wang?
A. He is a teacher.  
B. He is a doctor.  
C. He is an assistant
2. What’s the girl’s favorite?
A. Man and Nature.  
B. News Report.  
C. Animal World
3. What does Brad want t o do tonight?
A. Watch TV.  
B. See a movie  
C. Play sports
4. What’s Mr Green’s phone number?
A. 5920798    
B. 5902798  
C. 5902789
5. Where’s Tony’s baseball?
A. On the desk.  
B. Under the table    
C. On the table
1---5  ACABB