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英语翻译Mrs.Diana Dogge,Dr.C.D.Spaniel and Owen Weimaraner were

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/29 20:51:16
Mrs.Diana Dogge,Dr.C.D.Spaniel and Owen Weimaraner were having tea on the Dogge patio and examining some diamonds that Mr.Weimaraner was showing in the hope of selling.The diamonds were on the small,dark platter near the center of the table when someone inside the house yelled "Fire!" and the three fled the patio.The fire,which had been set,damaged a curtain but was easily extinguished,and it was not determined who had given the alarm.When the trio returned,the diamonds were gone.
Wilbur Unisex,who had been chasing butterflies,came upon the scene as shown.He questioned the trio and all of them gave similar answers to the effrct that at the alarm they had jumped up and run into the house and that no one had noticed what the others did.
From a study of the scene,Wilbur guessed who had stolen the diaminds.And he was right,of course.He always is.
Diana Dogge夫人,C.D.Spaniel 博士和Owen Weimaraner 在Dogge家的露台上一边喝茶一边检视几颗钻石,这些钻石是Weimaraner先生带来欲售的.钻石被放在靠近桌子中央的一个深色小托盘上,这时屋里忽然有人大喊:“着火啦!”三人慌忙逃离露台.这场火烧坏了窗帘,但是很快被扑灭了,也不知道是谁发出的警报.当三人返回的时候发现钻石不见了.
之前一直在捉蝴蝶的Wilbur Unisex来到了现场,他询问了三人,三人都给出了相似的答复,当他们听到警报时都赶快跳起来冲进屋里没人注意到其他人的举动.