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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 10:18:31
Customer watermark embedding algorithm is based on DWT.Make four wavelet decompositions on the original image,and add appropriate strength watermark information to the low frequency wavelet coefficients of the fourth decomposition,so that we can obtain a solution containing a watermark image after IDWT.The watermark embedding formula is:
V'i = Vi + αWi (2)
Wherein,Vi is the original image information and V'i is the watermarked image information,Wi is the watermark information,α is the embedding strength.According to the inverse process of the embedding watermark,we can easily extract the watermark.This method is simple and practical,and robustness.The study of watermark embedding algorithm based on the wavelet domain has considerable depth,this article does not describe them in detail,the specific process steps refer to the literature [7].Customer watermark embedding process is shown in Figure 3.
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