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英语翻译MY eyes fixed on his technique and his serious expressio

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/19 05:18:43
MY eyes fixed on his technique and his serious expression (我就是不知道fix 在这里到底是指什么?)
he seems to prefer being on his own (他更喜欢一个人呆着?翻译成中文感觉怪怪的 怎么翻译啊?)
”How was the operation?It’s worth seeing him in action,wouldn't you say “(in action是啥?)
It‘s nothing like that
I clumisly deny it and reach for my glass (clumisly deny 我不懂为什么这句子要这样用?)
"Why What is this all of a sudden?(这个 我似乎不太懂,大家求翻译下)
(The Taxi stops ,Sezaki pay the amount to his home and then goes out )(pay amount 我可以理解,后面为什么又加个to his home )
“That would be way too many.You 're a little spacey .Aren't you ”
"the paper records have all been digitized and stored on the server,right "
”Yes.he said it was minimum required to earn our patient's trust“
Is there something on your mind (这句话意思听得懂,可是我就翻译中文的时候感觉翻译不来)
she has a mysterious look in her eyes as she looks at me (意思听得懂,可是你们可以帮忙翻译成中文吗?我不知道mysterious 要怎么翻译?要翻译成神秘还是奇怪?奇怪的神秘的Look?)
1.fix on这里是关注,注视的意思
3.in action在活动,在运转
4.I deny it这个是主体,clumisly是修饰动词deny的一个副词,可是你这个单词应该拼错了,没这个单词
5.all of a sudden=suddenly,突然的意思,前面的what's this你懂的吧
6.pay the amount to his home,意思就是付了司机到家的费用
再问: 那你把in action 放在句子中试一试?How was the operation?It’s worth seeing him in action, wouldn't you say ?“ 在这个句子里,你说他在运转中????还有第5你到底在说什么?在一起根本就是前言不搭后语的,你根本就不会翻译吧?全是从字典上找来的,还有fix on有迷恋的意思,你说的 关注根本在这里的句子里配不上
再答: 也有我没说清和错误的地方,我再解释一下吧,但是我想说明的是无论怎样这也是我的劳动成果,还请尊重。 fix one's eyes on,这个短语应该知道的,是聚精会神在……,被……吸引目光的意思,而句中my eyes fix on其实和上面是一个意思,就是指目光被……吸引,关注也是没错的。那个in action是我没看清前面的句子,按语义来理解应该是立刻,马上的意思。最后还有suddenly的那个,我说的没错,但是前后的语境我不清楚,只翻译这句话就是“为什么,怎么突然这样了”。