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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 17:29:38
解题思路: 如下
1. vi. + to
admit to 承认; amount to 意味着,实际上是; come to 谈到 ;contribute to 有助于 ;fall to 开始 ; get to 开始 ; object to 反对 ; refer to 谈到,参考;指的是…;涉及; run to 够,够…之用 ; see to 负责 ;sink to 堕落到 ; swear to 发誓,保证,坚持说; witness to 出庭做证; adjust to适应; appeal to恳求…,诉诸…; 吸引……; belong to属于;attend to 处理、照料;confess to承认;drink to为…干杯;happen to发生在某人身上;hold to紧握;lead to导致;link to与……联系或连接;own to承认;occur to想起;point to指向;respond to回答;reply to回答;stick to坚持;take to 开始从事,see to负责;turn to求助;owe to欠……钱;write to给某人写信; see to 注意,处理,照料; trust to 依靠,凭; keep to呆在、遵守、坚持(使)不理话题;listen to听, trust to依靠;
These methods apply to learning English. 这些方法适用于英语学习。
He objected to being treated like a child. 他反对被当作小孩子看待。
2. vi + adv. + to
come close(near) to 差一点就 come down to 实质上是 come round to 拖延很长时间才做 get around (round) to 找到时间做 get down to 开始认真 get near to 几乎 go back to重新 go far to 对…… 很大作用 go near to 几乎,差不多, look forward to 盼望 take kindly to 喜欢; settle down to 定下决心做; add up to 总计…;look forward to(盼望); pay attention to; look up to尊敬; stand up to 勇敢面对
We are looking forward to receiving his letter. 我们盼望收到他的回信。
It’s time we got down to some serious work. 我们该认真干点正事了。
3. vt. + O. + to
accustom oneself to 习惯于, abandon oneself to沉溺于,gain/ have access to可以达到/接近,add...to ,apply...to 致力于,倾全力,adapt (oneself) to 适应,adjust oneself to 使自己适应,apply oneself to致力于;attribute sth. to 把……归因于 dedicate..to 致力于,献身于devote ..to 致力于,献身于 drive sb. to 迫使某人 feel an objection to 不喜欢 give one's life to 一生献给 have a dislike to 不喜欢 have an eye to 着眼于have an objection to 反对 have no objection to 不反对 lay claim to 自以为lend itself to 适合 make(have) no pretence to 不自称,不以……自居 make up one's mind to 只好安心于 pay attention to pledge onesel to 保证 prefer doing sth. to put oneself to 开始 put sb. to 指派某人做 reduce oneself to 使成为,使变成 say no to 不同意 say yes to 同意see one's way(clear) to 设法做set sb. to 推动某人做 turn one's attention to 把注意力转向于 turn one's hand to开始,gain admission to获准进入;bend one’s mind to 专心于;devote oneself to;help oneself to请吃……;do good to对……有益;do harm to对……有害;give birth to生、引起、产生;give rise to 引起;limit sb. to限制某人…;prefer---to 喜欢…而不喜欢;put one’s mind to 全神贯注于;propose a toast to为……而干杯;say hello/yes/no/goodbye to向……问好/同意/拒绝/告别;devote oneself/one’s life ( energy, effort, time) to 把……奉献于; give one’s mind to 专心于;set fire to; 放火烧=set—on fire;give way to对…让步;find one’s way to设法达到;give one’s life to doing sth 献身于做某事;have an objection to doing sth 反对(反感)做某事
She applied herself to learning English. 她专心学习英语。
She devoted herself to helping the poor. 她致力于帮助穷人。
4.be + adj.(p.p.) to
be equal to 胜任be given to 喜欢be near to 险些 be of benefit to 有益于be on one's way to 就要be open to 易于,容易受到be referable to 与……有关 be strange to 不了解,对……生疏 be suited to 适宜于;be(becom,get) used to习惯于 ;be accustomed to 习惯于;be addicted to沉溺于……,对……上瘾;be equal to 胜任; be adequate to胜任; be attached to附属于;be contrary to与...相反;be opposed to 反对;be objected to反对;be devoted to把……奉献于;be related to 与……相关;be reduced to沦为,降为; be familiar to为……所熟悉 ;be equal to1.等于2.胜任3.赶得上,敌得过4.忍耐得住;be sentenced to被判刑;be opposed to反对;be reduced to 沦为;be limited to 把……限制在做某事的范围内
It is well-known to us that the earth is round.众所周知地球是圆的。
This computer is superior to that one.这台电脑比那台高级。
5. n. + to + doing
aid to ……的帮助 approach to ……的方法 dedication to 对……的献身精神 devotion to 对……的献身精神 limit to ……的局限 road to 通往……之路 access to接近,进入……;thanks to “幸亏……,多亏…… gratitude to……感激, attitude to ……态度, harm to ……,answer to……,key to……,visit to……,monument to……,way to……,entrance to ……
His attitude to strangers was that of a comrade.他对陌生人的态度像同志一般。
His gratitude and devotion to the Party was boundless.他对党的感激和忠诚是无限的。
6. to (doing)
as to 至于 due to 由于 inferior to ,superior toin addition to 除……之外的 incident to 伴随……而来的 in regard to 关于 ,至于 in relaion to 关于,涉及next to 除了previous to 在……之前 prior to在……之前 preparatory to 作为……的准备 with an eye to 着眼于,目的在于 with a view to以……目的 ; in addition to除……外
We were late,owing to the snow.由于下雪,我们迟到了。
She always felt inferior to her elder sister.在她姐姐面前,她总感到自卑。