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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 07:22:15
白马寺在洛阳市东12公里,初创于东汉永平十一年(公元68年),距今已有一千九百多年的历史,我国最早的一座佛寺,被尊誉为中国佛教的"祖庭"和"释源",有"中国第一古刹" 之称.
唐代时规模宏伟,香火隆盛.明代嘉靖三十四年予以重修,大体上奠定今白马寺的规模和布局.现有面积约4万平方米.分布在南北中轴线上的主要建筑有天王殿、大佛殿、大雄殿、接引殿、清凉台和毗卢阁等;殿内造像以大雄殿内所存之元代干漆造像三世佛 ,二天将、十八罗汉最珍贵.此外还有元、明、清各代的泥塑像,唐、宋、元、明各代的经幢碑刻以及齐云塔、天竺高僧墓、焚经台等古迹.
Baima Temple in Luoyang city 12 kilometers east,in the Eastern Han Dynasty start Yongping 1922 (Year 68),have passed 1,900 years of history,and one of the earliest Buddhist temple,the Chinese Buddhist statue called "Jieting "and" Release Source "and" China's first monastery,"said.
Chuan Liuzhuang Night's Dream Mingdi of the Eastern Han Dynasty God,come from the West,flying around Dian tribunal.Therefore,the mission to send 18 Western Regions,thanks for Buddhism,in Dairujing (Afghanistan this area) event Tianzhu (India) monks perturbation Matanga,Dufalan,to see statues of Buddhist scriptures.Yongping decades,the Chinese Baima Fanceng to piggyback contains statues of Buddhist scriptures back to Luo,and the following year Jianshi,Suisi Baima name.
At the grand scale of the Tang Dynasty,incense Hoteison God.Ming Jiajing be renovated 34 years,largely for this Baimasi the size and layout.Existing area of about 40,000 square meters.In the distribution of the main north-south axis line construction are heavenly kings Temple,the permitted,the main building,Chayindian and cool - and Pilu Club; hall to the main building by the statues of the Yuan Dynasty dry lacquer Buddha statues III,will be two days,the 18 arhats the most valuable.In addition,Yuan,Ming and Qing,as generations of clay sculpture,Tang,Song,Yuan,Ming generations of QI Yun Jing Zhuang inscriptions,as well as Tajikistan,and Tianzhu monks tomb,burning and other monuments by Taiwan.
Big Buddha temple hall hoisted a large bell,the King of Luoyang eight "Ma Temple Bell" that is resulting.It is said that whenever Rubaifengqing nights,when more people static,the big blow monks pestle bell,the bell will Xiangbian area Shili,absolutely not prolonged.More intriguing is that the same temperament,so long as the bell rings,far away in the 25 li clock tower outside the Old City of Luoyang on the clock and also crashed while.0:00 New Year's Day each year should be held here on the spread of the bell Millennium New Year activities.