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Convincing arguments can be made that...是什么句型,举几个类似句型的例子.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 08:24:26
Convincing arguments can be made that...是什么句型,举几个类似句型的例子.
就是辩论题.通常在这个之后 Convincing arguments can be made that (搭上一句完整的陈述句,但是这个句子必需是一个意见,而不是一个事实) 例如
Convincing arguments can be made that Google is the best search engine yet invented in the 21st century.
意思是 一个令人信服的论点,google是21世纪最好的搜索引擎.这个可能大多数人都同意,但是肯定有一小部分人不同意.
我可以说说Convincing arguments can be made that Baidu is the best search engine yet invented in the 21st century.都可以.如果你是要写文,接下来就是举例,首先是21世纪有哪些出名的搜索引擎,搜索引擎是用来做啥的.然后举例google,yahoo,baidu.再来是写以上每一种引擎的特征,用法,好处,以及坏处.(这里要留后手,就是说不可以把google 跟yahoo 说得天花龙凤的)最后写baidu的时候,就要说得天上有地下无的一样.
斟酌你需要些的文章长短,Convincing arguments can be made that 后面的可以变长变短,或者表述的问题复杂一下,那就有多一点的东西写了.
Convincing arguments can be made that business schools are fully responsible for today's global economic crises.
再问: This is true in that.... This makes sense in that... This argument has considerate merit in that... 这几个呢。。。
再答: This is true in that.... This makes sense in that... This argument has considerate merit in that... 我猜应该是差不多,后面就补上一句可以辩论的意见,例如 this is true in that (角度). 其实就是以你的角度,去证实整件事都是如你想的一样对。 This is true in that woman should not have abortion. This makes sense in that abortion can seriously damage woman's health. This argument has considerate merit in that banging abortion can save lives. 看看你想由哪个角度去写同一样东西
再问: 是啊 主语多变 不习惯啊