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谁知道''Alick'' ''Grace''的音标和意思

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/02 21:57:32
谁知道''Alick'' ''Grace''的音标和意思
1.Alick /a'lɪk/
人名 Alexander 的昵称("Alick" or "Alec")
2.grace / greɪs; ɡres/
[U] quality of simple elegant beauty (esp in smoothly controlled movement) 优美(尤指动作顺畅协调);
[U] extra time allowed to renew a licence,pay an insurance premium,etc after the day when it is due 宽限; 缓期;
[U] favour; goodwill 恩惠; 善意;
[C usu pl 通常作复数] pleasing accomplishment 风度; 魅力; 长处; 才艺;
[U,C] short prayer of thanks before or after a meal (饭前或饭後的)谢恩祈祷;
(idm 习语) airs and graces => air1.have the grace to do sth be polite enough to do sth 出於礼貌而做某事.
1 [Tn] decorate or adorn (sth) 修饰或装扮(某物);
2 [Tn,Tn.pr] sb/sth (with sth) give honour or dignity to sb/sth 给某人[某事物]以荣耀或光彩.