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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/30 11:37:14
We hereby issue in your favor this documentary letter of credit which is available by negotiation of your draft at sight drawn on Bank of England, Bubai Branch bearing the clause:“Drawn under documentary credit No. 09534 of Bank of England, Dubai Branch”accompanied by the following documents:
1). Complete set of clean on board ocean bills of lading originally visaed by a Chinese official
institution plus five non-negotiable copies made out to order and endorsed in blank that
notifies the consignee at Port of Bubai of the United Arab Emirates;
2). Commercial invoice in septuplicate, all are to be visaed by a Chinese official institution;
3). Packing List and Weight Note in sextuplicate;
4). Certificate of Origin in tenfold issued by an official institute;
5). Insurance Policy or Certificate issued by the People’s Insurance Company of
China endorsed in blank covering marine and war risks including sixty days at
customs warehouse of Dubai, U. A. E.;
Terms of Shipment:
Shipment: from Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China to Port of Dubai, U. A .E. not latter than October 31, 1999;
Covering Goods Description: Changhong Color TV sets 1,000 ( one thousand only ) pieces, as per Sales Confirmation No. CIE 684903 covered by Islamic Electronics Trading Co. Ltd, Confirmation Order No. 913 which must be shown on all invoices.
Consignee and Order placed by: Islamic Electronics Trading Co. Ltd., P. O. Box 216, Dubai, U. A. E.
Country of Origin: The People’s Republic of China.
Documents to be presented within 15 days of the date of the bill of lading.
*****——————Partial shipment may be made against pro rata drawings.
Transshipments permitted on through Bill of Lading.
Special Conditions:
Any bank charges which are for opener’s account must be claimed not later than the date of presentation of documents. Two Certified Invoices and one negotiable Bill of Lading are to be sent by cable directly to the consignee by the negotiating bank that are to confirm that they have done so.
We hereby engage with drawers and / or bona fide holders that drafts drawn and negotiated in conformity with the terms of this credit will be duly honored on presentation and that drafts accepted within the term of this credit will be duly honored at maturity.
Please debit/ this amount to our account with your bank.
我们在此问题,您赞成这个单信用证是可以通过谈判的草案即期吸取英国央行, Bubai科轴承的条款: “跟单信用证项下拉号09534的英格兰银行,迪拜分行”伴通过了下列文件:
(1 ) 。一套完整的清洁局海洋提单原签证的中方官员
(2 ) 。商业发票septuplicate ,都以得到签证的中国官方机构;
(3 ) 。装箱单和重量注意在sextuplicate ;
(4 ) 。原产地证书在发出的10倍正式研究所;
(5 ) 。保险单或签发的证书的人民保险公司
涵盖货物描述:长虹彩电1000 ( 1000只)件,按销售确认电泳684903号所涉及伊斯兰电子贸易有限公司,订单确认函第913号必须显示在所有发票。
收货人和订单方式:伊斯兰电子贸易有限公司,地址: PO Box 216 ,阿联酋的迪拜