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英语翻译Written by Mario Ritter I’m Steve Ember with the VOA Spe

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 09:47:48
Written by Mario Ritter
I’m Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Economics Report.
World Bank headquarters in Washington DC
The main goal of the World Bank is to fight poverty.But,for almost ten years,the World Bank also has investigated financial crimes by government and bank officials.
In nineteen ninety-six,former World Bank President James Wolfensohn warned of the need to deal with the “cancer of corruption.”
The World Bank defines corruption as offering,giving,receiving,or asking for anything of value to influence the action of a public official.For example,a local official may demand that a foreign company pay him money,or a bribe,to permit a project to go forward.
The World Bank says corruption is the biggest barrier to development.Corruption hurts the poor people who are supposed to gain from development bank loans and aid.
The World Bank created a group of anti-corruption investigators in nineteen ninety-nine.It later became the Department of Institutional Integrity.The Bank says the D.I.I.has investigated almost two thousand accusations of corruption.
The Bank has twenty-two investigators.It spends about ten million dollars each year on anti-corruption measures.It says this is more than all other development banks combined.
The current World Bank president,Paul Wolfowitz,was appointed last year.Mister Wolfowitz says he will increase the number of investigators and the budget for fighting corruption.He also has suspended loans to India,Kenya,Bangladesh and other nations over concerns about corruption.
Reports say some members of the World Bank governing board do not agree with Mister Wolfowitz’s actions.They say it is not fair to deny a loan for purposes such as health care because some of the money goes to corrupt uses.
Critics of the Bank’s lending say it is not carefully supervising the loans and projects it finances.The Bank approves about two hundred forty new projects each year.And it has more than one thousand existing loans,each of which may contain many agreements.
The World Bank is part of the World Bank Group.It includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,which has one hundred eighty-four member nations.
In two thousand four,the World Bank Group provided or guaranteed more than twenty-five thousand million dollars in loans.
This VOA Special English Economics Report was written by Mario Ritter.Our reports are online at voaspecialenglish.com.I'm Steve Ember.
Written by Mario Ritter
作者:Mario Ritter
I’m Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Economics Report.
我是Steve Ember,现在为您广播VOA慢速英语-经济学报道
World Bank headquarters in Washington DC
The main goal of the World Bank is to fight poverty.But,for almost ten years,the World Bank also has investigated financial crimes by government and bank officials.
In nineteen ninety-six,former World Bank President James Wolfensohn warned of the need to deal with the “cancer of corruption.”
在1996年,前世行行长James 沃尔芬森曾警告,有必要进行打击“腐败癌症”.
The World Bank defines corruption as offering,giving,receiving,or asking for anything of value to influence the action of a public official.For example,a local official may demand that a foreign company pay him money,or a bribe,to permit a project to go forward.
The World Bank says corruption is the biggest barrier to development.Corruption hurts the poor people who are supposed to gain from development bank loans and aid.
The World Bank created a group of anti-corruption investigators in nineteen ninety-nine.It later became the Department of Institutional Integrity.The Bank says the D.I.I.has investigated almost two thousand accusations of corruption.
The Bank has twenty-two investigators.It spends about ten million dollars each year on anti-corruption measures.It says this is more than all other development banks combined.
The current World Bank president,Paul Wolfowitz,was appointed last year.Mister Wolfowitz says he will increase the number of investigators and the budget for fighting corruption.He also has suspended loans to India,Kenya,Bangladesh and other nations over concerns about corruption.
去年上任的现任世行行长Paul Wolfowitz说:他将加大调查员数量和反腐败预算.他还暂时中止向一些被怀疑存在腐败的国家提供贷款,这些国家有:印度,肯尼亚,孟加拉等.
Reports say some members of the World Bank governing board do not agree with Mister Wolfowitz’s actions.They say it is not fair to deny a loan for purposes such as health care because some of the money goes to corrupt uses.
Critics of the Bank’s lending say it is not carefully supervising the loans and projects it finances.The Bank approves about two hundred forty new projects each year.And it has more than one thousand existing loans,each of which may contain many agreements.
The World Bank is part of the World Bank Group.It includes the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development,which has one hundred eighty-four member nations.
In two thousand four,the World Bank Group provided or guaranteed more than twenty-five thousand million dollars in loans.
This VOA Special English Economics Report was written by Mario Ritter.Our reports are online at voaspecialenglish.com.I'm Steve Ember.
VOA慢速英语经济报道,作者Mario Ritter.你可以浏览我们的网站voaspecialenglish.com.我是Steve Ember.