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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 12:09:28
Homosexuality which is alike gay or lesbian means feeling or involving sexual attraction only to people of the same sex. but most homosexuality don’t like this word because homo- as a root usually means single ,so some gays think when homo- appear in the word homosexuality ,it means they have single sexual orientation that seems they were disable ,for this reason gays would rather be called gay. while those women called lesbian.
Chinese gay and lesbian History, ˆhas seldom actually been taken into account by homophobic Western scholars and Chinese 20th century historians. 西方厌恶同性恋的学者或中国20世纪的历史学家们都很少注意到中国男女同性恋的历史,对历史书写以及对这个传统都视而不见.In fact, the very first guy who declare special sexual orientation is a female poet live in Greece who name Sappho in 500BC,because she live in an island named Lesbos, so people named female gays lesbian. In ancient Rome and ancient Greece gays are totally acceptable and normal .but in middle ages, under the control of Christianity ,gays suffered incredible abuse, people believe homosexuality is unnatural and crazy, many famous people died because their unique sexual orientation, such as poet wilde, and painter da vinci ,composer Tchaikovsky suicide because the love for this cousin.
China has a long gay history , especially in war time, such as WeiJin dynasty, having a beautiful teenage boy as lover is a fashion and a way to announce their state or rich. In particular for peer or wealthy, but those boy usually are forced to be gay, and sup sorrow and discrimination, their life end with sadness. But there is also many sweet and true love between gays ,such as Emperor Ai of Han don’t wake his lover so he stump his sleeve which under Dongxiang’s body.(汉哀帝不忍惊起董贤而断袖)
And in 1990 WHO officially delete “homosexuality” in mental sickness list,
Gays are as normal as Straights, this thought are accepting by more and more psychologist. many people don’t know this secret world, as a result they became misunderstanding as well as hatred.
However, homosexuality is the few, and has different interest with straight, when law and social under hand of most straight prople,gay abuse become necessity.To remove this misunderstanding ,we should adjust mentality. Popularity sexual education,we should treat those people with perceptual care.
Homosexuality refers to sexual behavior or attraction between people of the same sex.However,most homosexual think the word "homosexual" offensive,because "homo-" as a premix means "the same" which indicates that they have abnormal sexual orientation .For this reason,male homosexuals would rather be called gays,while female homosexuals prefer to be called lesbians.
3.homo- 的意思不是single,而是the same 同样
Chinese queer history has rarely been acknowledged and has even been ignored by homophobic Western scholars and Chinese historians of 20th century.In fact,the very first person who declared her special sexual orientation was a female poet named Sappho who lived in Greece in 500BC.The island she lived on was named Lesbos.So people called female homosexuals "lesbian".In ancient Rome and ancient Greece,gays were totally acceptable and normal.However,in the middle of the century,gays suffered from incredibly brutal and humiliating abuse under the control of Christianity.People believed that homosexuality was unnatural and crazy.Many famous people died because of their unique sexual orientation,such as the poet Oscar Wilde,the painter Da Vinci and the composer Tchaikovsky.Tchaikovsky committed suicide because he was in love with his cousin.
1.the very first guy 改成 very first person,用guy来表示人是太口语话,用person比较理想
2.注意请避免说female gay,gay虽然有时可以表示总体的homosexual,但是一般还是特指男性的.你要表示女性同性恋请用female homosexual或者lesbian
3.我不明白你in middle ages是指什么时期,我改成了inthe middle of the century,如果和你想说的时间有差距,请自行改正
4.because后面不是句子而只是一个名词表原因的话,需要用because of的结构
5.我对你写的suicide because the love for this cousin也很困惑,你要表示的是三个人都自杀了呢,还是就是Tchaikovsky?我的修改是 Tchaikovsky因为爱上他的表兄弟而自杀,如果我理解错误,请自行修正
China has a long queer history,especially in the war time.In the period of WeiJin dynasty,it was a fashion and also a symbol of wealth and power for people to have beautiful teenage boys as lovers.Those boys were usually forced to act like gays.They suffered from sorrow and discrimination and their lives all ended in tragedy.But there was also sweet and true homosexual love.For example,in order not to wake up his lover Dongxian from sleep,Emperor Ai of Han cut off the part of his sleeve which Dongxiang was lying on.
1.汉哀帝不忍惊起董贤而断袖 的典故你表达不清
In 1990 WHO officially deleted the word “homosexuality” as a mental sickness,which told the world that homosexuals are as normal as heterosexuals.This idea has been accepted by more and more psychologists.Many people still don’t understand this mysterious world of homosexuality,which results in their misunderstanding as well as hatred towards homosexuals.
Homosexuality is the minority and has different interest from heterosexuals.When the society and laws are mostly ruled by non-homosexual people who still think homosexuality is a mental disease,homosexual abuse is inevitable to happen.In order to eliminate the misunderstanding,it is necessary for the society to adjust mentality and popularise sex education.We should treat those people with real care.
2.when law and social under hand of most straight prople,gay abuse become necessity 含义不清
3.Popularity sexual education,we should treat those people with perceptual care.前半句和后半句没有关系