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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 03:08:01
8、Such a film ___ is on show now isn`t worth seeing. A . which B. that C.as D. what 选哪个?为何? 9、“except” 和“except for”区别。 10、听力: W: Nice to see you again,Bill . How have you been? M: Fine,except for the weather .I have neve experienced the cold like this in Canada. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? A. It`s very cold in Canada. B. The man really enjoyed the cold in Canada. C. The man seems not to be used to the cold weather in Canada. 答案?为何? 11、—Have you ever been to Shanghai ,Mary? —Yes,I ____ theve for three for three days with my parents last month. A. have gone B. have been C. went D. was 选何?为何?
解题思路: 见下。
8、Such a film ___ is on show now isn`t worth seeing.现在正上映的电影不值一看。
A . which B. that C.as D. what
答案为C。此题为定语从句,当先行词前有such,so,the same 修饰时,只能用as引导定语从句。
9、“except” 和“except for”区别。
All the buildings are excellent except this one. 所有的建筑都很好除了这个。
All the buildings are excellent except for their location 所有的建筑都很好除了它们的位置。

W: Nice to see you again,Bill . How have you been?
M: Fine,except for the weather .I have never experienced the cold like this in Canada.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?
A. It`s very cold in Canada.
B. The man really enjoyed the cold in Canada.
C. The man seems not to be used to the cold weather in Canada.
答案为C,except for the weather .I have never experienced the cold like this in Canada.要不是由于天气,我不会在加拿大经历这样的寒冷。说明作者不习惯。A的时态不对。
11、—Have you ever been to Shanghai ,Mary?
—Yes,I ____ theve for three for three days with my parents last month.
A. have gone B. have been C. went D. was
答案D。A表示去了还没回来,B去了回来了,但与时间状语 last month不匹配。c不能表示持续的动作。故选d