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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 21:08:03
1、When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service,for example,it includes only three potential jobs---those it considers the best matches.
为什么those it considers the best matches是一个在those后面省略了that的定语从句,而不是同位语从句.
2、One theory,dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,is that the rot sets in early.
enjoyed 是不是和前面的dreamt up 并列的?
1 .those it considers the best matches =those it considers (those as )the best matches .转换成句子就是 it (CareerSite's agent )considers those (意思是:those people ) as the best matches .【它(职业场所的代理机构)认为那些人是最佳匹配的人选】
those 指代人,在定语从句中作as的宾语,注意这儿的as 省略了,
When CareerSite's agent sends out messages to those who have signed up for its service,for example,it includes only three potential jobs---those it considers the best matches .
译文:当职业场所的代理机构把信息发给已经签署该机构的服务的人员时,例如,这仅包括3种可能的工作------(还把信息发送给这些人,即 :)职业场所的代理机构认为最佳匹配的人员.
2、One theory,dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,is that the rot sets in early.
enjoyed 是不是和前面的dreamt up 并列的?答复:是的.它们修饰的都是One theory .注意
enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged是不可能作定语修饰the spare time 的,看【the + adj ,表示某一类人(如,the poor ,穷人)这些 the disadvantaged 处于不利地位的人】这些
按照字母顺序对其不利的人们,如果enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged作定语修饰the spare time ,那么,这儿的意思就是:这些按照字母顺序对其不利的人们享受的业余时间,于是:One theory,dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged意思就是:完全是在利用那些按照字母顺序对其不利的人们所享受的业余时间凭空臆造的一种理论.【言外之意:只能完全利用上述那种人的业余时间才能够捏造这样一种理论,如果利用的是自己的业余时间就捏造不了那种理论 = 即:利用别人的业余时间去捏造一种理论,------这显然是不合乎逻辑的】,所以,enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged 和前面紧挨的dreamt up in all the spare time 一样都是修饰“One theory”的,是个并列结构,都是,英语中却不用连接词,又如:We have perused the Mortgage Deed dated 15.10.1971 registered as Doc.No.2601 of 1971 in the Office of the Sub Registrar,Chengalpet executed by Ruthirappa Achari mortgaging lands to an extent of .
译文:我们已经仔细察看了抵押契据,该契据的日期标的是1971年10月15日,登记号:1971(年)商务部第2601号,在助理登记员Chengalpet的办公室登记 ,有Ruthirappa 先生办理,抵押土地到达的范围至.
【看,dated ,registered ,executed,mortgaging ,等等的逻辑主语都是the Mortgage Deed (抵押契据),都是修饰或说明 the Mortgage Deed 的,但是,都没有连接词啊】
One theory,dreamt up in all the spare time enjoyed by the alphabetically disadvantaged,is that the rot sets in early.