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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 03:26:54
ur country is a long history of ancient civilization,the Chinese culture has a long history in five thousand.Light is traditional culture festival and many.My favorite for the Lantern Festival.The Lantern Festival that day,my mother and I go to x home package dumplings.The x's house,and to my first powder sprinkled on the table,the glutinous rice in powder on a roll,again TangXian into glutinous rice wrapped inside,and then,in this way,it is good.Mother put the rice dumpling into the pot and cook for a while,sweet dumplings float up,she put the rice dumpling end come out,sweet dumplings my sweetie,a smell let my mouth water,eat it,the heart also feel very sweet.I am a Chinese,I will take the traditional Chinese culture carry forward!(我国是历史悠久的文明古国,中华五千年文化源远流长.光是传统文化节日就有许多,.我最喜欢过元宵节.到了元宵节那天,我和妈妈去x家包汤圆.到了x家,我先把粉洒在桌子上,把糯米在粉上一滚,再把糖馅放进糯米里面,然后包好,这样,就好了.妈妈把汤圆进锅里,煮了一会,汤圆浮了起来,她便把汤圆端了出来,汤圆甜丝丝的,一闻就让我直流口水,吃下去,心也感觉甜甜的.我身为中国人,我就要把中国的传统文化发扬光大!)