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音译汉求高手Keeping in Touch throughout the Customer LifecycleAuto

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 04:57:41
Keeping in Touch throughout the Customer Lifecycle
Automating Messages duringthe Customer Lifecycle
A very effective way to engage prospects and customers is by
targeting and triggering messages based on their response to
emails they’ve previously received from the company.
You can generate additional sales and profits by sending
highly relevant and personalized offers based on response to
email messages (see Figure 5-1):
Send timely messages according to rules.You can
schedule automated delivery of email and/or mobile text
message campaigns according to rules and triggers you
set up.Automatically email a welcome message to first-
time subscribers and trigger birthday cards,subscription
renewals and product guarantee extension offers by date.
React to customer responses.Send messages that
encourage up-sells to higher quality,more expensive and
thus more profitable goods and/or cross-sells to accesso-
ries and add-ons to the original purchase.(We talk about
both up-selling and cross-selling in Chapter 4).
Combine multiple scenarios and channels.Channels are
multiple ways of reaching the same customer.Scenarios
are the various methods of engagement.Rapid reaction
messages can range from a simple ‘thank you’ to person-
alized up-sell and cross-sell offers.
Retention Email Marketing For Dummies
By monitoring and automating your best strategies,tactics
and campaigns,you spend less time programming and more
time analyzing results and building effective marketing strate-
gies.This makes it possible to generate highly profitable and
automated campaigns with minimal effort.
Recapturing Distracted
一种非常有效的吸引潜在客户和老客户的方法是基于他们之前收到公司邮件后给出的回复来确定目标和发送信息.你可以产生额外的销售和利润,通过基于电子邮件讯息的回复发送高度相关和个性化的提议 (见图5 - 1):
再问: http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/252192399.html?fr=middle_ask这边还有一段帮忙翻译下哈