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用所给词填空Lily is the tallest one (a ) those girls.Could l have

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 07:10:52
Lily is the tallest one (a ) those girls.
Could l have a (p ) of paper?
She is a (s ) businesswoman.
l am sorry to ( t ) you.
Could you tell me something about your travel (e
Cycling does not cause air (p ).
The (n ) on the wall says"No smoking".
Who was the (w )in the speech contest?
Keep some (s ) between you and the car behind.
Riding bikes is good for our (e ).
Tina (d ) to go to the beach for her holidays.
There are many (h ) in Beijing.
My mother works in a supermarket .She (s ) vegetables every day.
l like listening to the (s ) music before going to bed.
1 among 在……之间
2 piece 张
3 successful 成功的
4 trouble 打扰
5 experience 经历
6 pollution 污染
7 notice 通知 或 note 便条
8 winner 获胜者
9 space 空间
10 environment 环境
11 decided 决定
12 houses 房子 / hotels 旅馆
13 sells 卖
14 soft 温和的,柔和的; 轻松的