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急求《The Canterville Ghost》简介

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 08:54:01
急求《The Canterville Ghost》简介
When a teenaged girl moves to England,with her brothers and parents into the ancient Canterville Hall,she's not at all happy.Especially as there's a ghost and a mysterious re-appearing bloodstain on the hearth.She campaigns to go back home,and her dad,believing the ghost's pranks are Ginny's,is ready to send her back.But then Ginny actually meets the elusive 17th-century Sir Simon de Canterville (not to mention the cute teenaged duke next door),and she sets her hand to the task of freeing Sir Simon from his curse.
  本片改编自知名英国剧作家奥斯卡王尔德(Oscar Wilde)的经典小说.故事主轴围绕在坎特维尔古堡的赛门爵士(约翰吉尔格,「二八佳人花公子」)身上,他是个已有三百多岁的鬼魂,顽固地守著他的古堡,拒绝让任何人接近,直到有一天,有个美国家庭举家搬来了英国,准备继承遗产--亦即坎特维尔古堡.赛门的鬼魂使出了浑身解数想吓走这一家美国人,却在无意间与其家中最年轻的成员珍妮佛(艾莉莎玛兰诺,电视影集「妙管家」)变成了朋友;而由于珍妮佛不愿见到继母取代她母亲的地位,便央求赛门爵士帮她将继母吓走,赶出这个家,最后珍妮佛的计谋会成功吗?这是一部适合阖家观赏的喜剧片,导演保罗鲍嘉另有「同性三分亲」、电视影集「黄金女郎」等代表作.